Friday, June 22, 2018

Mr. Trump: Meet Miss Liberty Representing American Moral Values — Now Listen Up

The message is Lima Charlie (Loud and Clear) —

Right Wing Fake News, Mr. Trump: President Barack Obama did not oversee the separation of 90,000 migrant children and their parents at the border, and that is contrary to misleading online reports and claims circulating around social media.

(Note: That is actual “Fake New” but which Trump would never admit is fake – we wonder why not – oh, yeah, that wouldn’t work on his anti-Obama agenda or play well with his brain-dead loyalists).

The claim, published on a conservative website, was repeated on social media throughout the week as President Trump faced criticism over his administration's “Zero tolerance” immigration policy, which has left more than 2,300 children separated from their parents at the U.S. border since May.

The false claim appears to stem from a January 2016 Senate subcommittee report that investigated how the HHS under Obama placed thousands of unaccompanied children illegally entering the country.

True, except the details matter, which the righties always selectively skip: That Senate subcommittee report found that from October 2013 through 2015 the HHS did place nearly 90,000 children with a sponsor after they had been detained at the border but only those without any legal guardian. 

The majority of those sponsors where they were placed (the report also found) were either a parent or legal guardian already living in the U.S. No specific numbers were provided in the report, and HHS did not respond to the AP's request for that information.

(Noteworthy – again which the GOP skips over: Gil Kerlikowske, Customs and Border Protection commissioner from 2014 to the end of Obama's term, said parents were split from their children if (1) they were arrested on drug charges, or (2) if they had any outstanding arrest warrant).

DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen said separating families is not new, but acknowledged that the Obama administration and George W. Bush did so but at a lesser rate. Past administrations, Nielsen added: They did so at the border when Federal agents suspected the adult of: (1) human trafficking, (2) smuggling, (3) posing a national security risk, or (4) when the adult's relationship to the child could not be verified.
Nielsen also acknowledged the Trump administration implemented a new policy of separating children and re-classifying them as “unaccompanied when Federal agents refer the parents for criminal prosecution.”

(Note: That is not the same as Obama or GW Bush actions explained).

My 2 Cents: What is the huge difference between now under Trump and his “Zero tolerance” and the policy under GW Bush and Obama administrations? 

Simple: Trump is a nasty heartless man, despite all his fancy rally speech rhetoric.

In short: Trump cannot stand or take or accept any criticism or facts re: his role in this huge mess unless of course the crowd cheers when he blames Obama or someone else for his gross misjudgment – just never him – when they cheer and shout at his lies, well … then he is as happy as the proverbial Lark. 

Thanks for stopping.

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