Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trump Team Now Drugging Kids: "To Calm and Quiet Them" New American Policy

Someone thought their Rx were safe — outcome not so hot
(* See definition below)

(Left) No need to be medicated; (Right) Need to be medicated

The story for this post is from here lawsuit alleges improper medication of migrant children in federal shelters (LA TIMES) and it's damn scary.

This issue is a very serious legal and medical and moral dilemma for the country to express who we really are as a people under Trump who for the moment doesn’t give a shit. There are huge legal, medical, and moral challenges for the country to now face.

I hope the matter can be elevated to the USSC so that they can issue emergency stop order to this Trump invoked nightmarish madness. 

The key part:

* The drugs they are giving some of the children are psychotropic type drugs: They are any type of drug capable of affecting the mind, emotions, and behavior. FYI: Some legal drugs, such as lithium for bipolar disorder, are psychotropic. However, many illicit drugs, such as cocaine, are also psychotropic. 

They are also known as psychodynamic drugs.

The sticking point according to Leecia Welch, Senior Director of legal advocacy and child welfare at the Oakland-based National Center for Youth Law is this that she said: 

“The children in the shelters were being medicated for their behaviors rather than an underlying mental illness.”

Now the kicker: According to DOJ attorneys, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which oversees the shelters, has the authority to medicate children without parents’ consent because the youth are in the agency’s custody. 

My 2 Cents: This whole event even up to this point of Trump backpedaling is now maybe worse based on this story. In a word it’s a sad commentary for the country and our world standing – kinda down the drain as it were.

What to do – this all GOP-run Congress is the only ones who can stop this craziness. 

Will they?

Each thing that Trump does or touches regarding policy turns to crap and he only cares about more attention and PR overage that keeps him in the limelight and center stage no matter the subject or impact on the pubic or our world allies.

So, will this Congress act on behalf of supporting the the public and their oath of office? Right now that seems totally doubtful and far-fetched.

Thanks for stopping by.

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