Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What Do We Call a White House Full of Weasels: Easy-Peasy — Trump Administration

Current and Possible Weasel Leader
(More than seven is called a Boggle)

Introduction: Two of Trump's three wives were immigrants – ouch.

Wildly outspoken anti-immigrant and hardcore advocate — now a Trump senior aide Stephen Miller: 

Research uncovered a photo of Nison (aka Max) Miller stares out from the screen, sullen and stern, in faded black and white. “Order of Court Denying Petition” is the title of the government form dated: November 12, 1932, to which it is attached, the one in which Miller is applying for naturalization as an American citizen. Beneath the photo, the reason given for his denial: Ignorance.

Rabid anti-immigrant advocate Rep. Steve King (R-IA): 

King was quoted once as saying: “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” Researchers found in his family genealogy website that his own grandmother was one such baby, arriving from Germany in 1894. 

From FOX TV show host Tucker Carlson: 

He once asked: “Why does America benefit from having tons of people from failing countries come here?” Researchers found a memoir from Carlson’s great-grandfather talking about how he left the poverty of Italy for the promise of America

From White House aide Dan Scavino: 

He is quoted as saying we need to end chain migration. Researchers nailed him: “Let’s say Victor Scavino arrives from Canelli, Italy in 1904, then his brother Hector in 1905, his brother Gildo in 1912, his sister Esther in 1913, , then his sister Clotilde, and then their father Giuseppe in 1916. They all live together in NY. Do you think that would count as chain migration?” 

(Further Hint: Melania Trump invited her parents to come and live in NY and become Americans, too. Oops…)

From radical and outspoken GOP hardcore conservative, Tomi Lahren: 

She recently said: “You don’t just come into this country with low skills, low education, not understanding the language and come into our country because someone says it makes them feel nice. That’s not what this country is based on.” Researchers ripped her a new one: “The 1930 census says Tomi’s 3x great-grandmother had been here for 41 years and still spoke only German. Her 2nd great-grandmother had been here for 10 years and spoke no English.”

White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly – the big fish in this: 

Kelly said on NPR: Today’s immigrants are “not people that would easily assimilate into the United States, into our modern society,” because they are uneducated, come from rural areas, and “don’t speak English.” Researchers then posted screenshots of documents showing all those things were also true of Kelly’s maternal ancestors.

My 2 Cents: Amazing research and factual on the GOP and their hypocrisy not surprising.

Stay tuned.

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