Saturday, June 9, 2018

Trump-World = Zero Leadership; No Values, Prestige, Honor, Dignity, or Standards

Applicable Titles: King, Absolutist, Dictator, Tyrant, Despot
(All Un-American since 1776)

QUEBEC, CANADA — Trump told foreign leaders at the G7 summit that they must dramatically reduce trade barriers with the United States or they would risk losing access to the world’s largest economy, delivering his most defiant trade threat yet to his counterparts from around the globe.

Trump, in a news conference before leaving for Singapore, described private conversations he held over two days with the leaders of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Canada. 

He said he pushed them to consider removing every single tariff or trade barrier on American goods, and in return he would do the same. But if steps aren’t taken the penalties would be severe, he said: “We’re like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing. And that ends.” 

Trump said his dealings with other world leaders were cordial as he repeatedly blamed past U.S. leaders (implying he was the best of them all) for the current trade imbalance rather than other nations he said were savvy to take a good deal when they found one 

(I Note: And of course only he can make theArt of the ConI say).  

My 2 Cents: Once we see Trump pandering to Putin by trying to get Russia back into the G-7. And, Trump right on cue blames Obama for Russian 2014 annexation the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in February–March 2014. Since then, it has been administered as two Russian federal subjects — the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol. 

Trump again shows his total lack of knowledge about most anything since Mr. Obama condemned Russia and imposed sanctions on them as a punishment. So, Trump again panders to Putin – patently clear

My final notes: Trump’s open and obvious racist hatred for Obama (not just on this issue, but everything Mr. Obama ever did in office as Trump works hard to erase any trace of Obama about any policy) is a clear as the nose on his face, except for racist hateful like-minded Trump loyalists who stand by Trump, even in a shïtstörm. 

What does that say about us a people? I say it’s very sad and pitiful while he harks back the post-Civil War days and right up until the Civil Rights Act of 1965 – not 1865. 

This is a very dark chapter in American history with Donald J. Trump a pathetic and sick man in the highest office of the land. 

Now more threats to our closest friends and allies – I’m at a loss for words beyond to simply say he is a total disgrace to us, our allies, and mankind in general. He is a sick pitiful man. 

So, where does all this end up? It's hard or near impossible to say but easy to guess: World turmoil on Trump and Putin terms, or Trump pulls a Nixon and resigns.

That may a worse event and outcome than this G7. 

Fingers crossed it will not be. Far too much is at stake with nuclear weapon talk.

Thanks for stopping by.

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