Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Kellyanne Conway Trump Lackey: Hubby George's Trump Mental Assessment Spot On

George Conway's Source Document

Trump's 5 Key Areas from My Perspective

George Conway has used his Twitter feed and occasional op-ed essays to defend against Trump’s attacks on the rule of law — and lately to point out what he sees as the president’s instability.

Asked on “Skullduggery” if he thinks the president is fully stable, Conway responded:No comment.” 

Earlier this month, Conway called for a “serious inquiry into Trump’s state of mind.”

Conway also tweeted:Have we ever seen this degree of brazen, pathological mendacity in American public life? At any level of government in this country, in any party, have we ever seen anything like this? It’s beyond politics. It’s nuts. It’s a disorder.”

Conway shared with Trump a link to a Rolling Stone article entitled: “Trump’s Mental Health: Is Pathological Narcissism the Key to Trump’s Behavior?”

Conway then wrote:Once someone understands narcissistic personality disorder, they understand you. And why you’re unfit and incompetent for the esteemed office you temporarily hold.”

My 2 cents: This article speaks for itself … I have nothing to add except one word: Accurate.

Thanks for stopping by.

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