Saturday, March 23, 2019

"Lock Her Up" Vis-à-Vis Hillary Clinton: What About These Two Arrogant W/H Advisors

Federal Law Breakers: Mr. and Mrs. Arrogant Snoots

Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump-Kushner and hubby, son-in-law Jared Kushner, have been using private email accounts and the messaging service “WhatsApp” to conduct official government business. 

That private email and app use by two presidential top advisers could violate the Presidential Records Act of 1978, cite: 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201–2207.

This is #11 of the 12 provisions listed in that law: “Establishes preservation requirements for official business conducted using non-official electronic messaging accounts:  any individual creating Presidential records must not use non-official electronic messaging accounts unless that individual copies an official account as the message is created or forwards a complete copy of the record to an official messaging account. (A similar provision in the Federal Records Act applies to federal agencies).”

Their actions amount to the same activity that Republicans led by Trump campaigned on in his race against Hillary Clinton in 2016 in what they still call “her criminality.”
(WORTH NOTING: Clinton used a secure private email server at her home but she still used an official Government account ... a huge diff than WhatsApp weakness).
In his letter to the White House, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, requested documents and information relating to the Trump White House’s use of nongovernmental channels.
Ivanka Trump, Cummings wrote:Continues to receive emails relating to official business on her personal email account and she does not forward emails received through her personal account unless she responds to the email, even if the subject matter of the email relates to her official duties.”
That, Cummings said, violates the Presidential Records Act. He also noted that the revelations come to light in 2017, but that “new information that raises additional security and federal records concerns” has since been obtained regarding those people.
My 2 cents: So, Mr. President shall we “lock up” these two senior advisors? Or will you grant then continued access to White House classified of sensitive information?
Tic toc, Mr. President, tic toc.
Stay tuned – we shall see.
Thanks for stopping by.

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