Monday, April 8, 2019

Angry Crybaby Trump: About to Hold Up Crucial Tunnel Project Between NY and NJ

Trump about to screw up a project that would cause 
economic trouble for the entire U.S. 

Still think Trump is smart, savvy, and good at his job? Ha ... think again.

Trump is a spoiled brat who has fits over anything he was never part of or had his fingers on. As I said Trump is crybaby when he does not get this way:

Donnie just never grew up
(Po' whittle boy)

Case in point this story.


Background: The “Gateway Program” is a transportation project intended to fix the crumbling infrastructure carrying roughly 200,000 daily of commuters between NJ and NY through the Hudson River Tunnel. The project’s inception in 2011 arose as a means to replace the “Access to the Region’s Core” tunnel project that was canceled by then-NJ Governor Chris Christie.

The Obama administration agreed it would cover half of the costs of the $30-billion project, with the remaining half would be split between the NY and NJ governments. But the deal fell apart after Trump was elected, and according to the New York Times, he denied there ever was such an agreement.

Significance: The Hudson Tunnel would not only create a new two-track tunnel between NJ and Manhattan, but it would also repair the existing North River Tunnel, which sustained serious damage during Superstorm Sandy in 2012.

While the issue seems exclusive to NY and NJ, a recent report from the Regional Plan Association (RPA) warned that a partial Hudson River Tunnel shutdown without a new tunnel: “Would cost the national economy $16 billion, reduce home values by $22 billion, and lead to decreased economic productivity, job losses, increased congestion, and crashes across the NE U.S.

Note: The RPA is an independent, not-for-profit civic organization. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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