Sunday, April 7, 2019

DHS Secy. Kirstjen Nielsen Immediately Resigns: Trump Likely Said “Sayonara, Baby”

Nielsen out @DHS: Probably Stephen Miller’s dirty work
(Sanders not look of love says it all)


DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Resigning

So, what or more importantly, who, is behind this?

Her departure is most likely a sustained effort on the part the DHS overhaul engineering campaign directed by top Trump adviser Stephen Miller – that according to a senior U.S. official. It's unclear whether Nielsen is deciding to leave voluntarily, or whether she has been pressured to resign.

Boy that was rough but needed — who’s next??? 

Her controversial background: Nielsen became known for her vigorous defense of the “zero tolerance policy resulting in family separations at the border, blaming Congress for a loophole in the laws that needs to be fixed.”

Nielsen claimed to reporters in a White House briefing last year that the administration was: Merely continuing a policy from previous administrations that mandated separating a child who is in danger, there is no custodial relationship between 'family' members, or if the adult has broken the law. As long as illegal entry remains a criminal offense, DHS will not look the other way.” 

(My hunch: So, based on her history, comments, and Trump’s tweets, it is more likely that Trump asked (or told) Nielsen to resign).

As far as Miller, he is a descendant of refugees who came to the United States fleeing life in Eastern Europe at the turn of the 20th century.

Miller’s declaration of ultra-extreme nativism is well known, thus seeing him as chief architect of Trump’s ongoing assault on immigration as a whole makes sense. Miller has worked to cripple legal immigration into into the U.S. — and, were he around in 1903 with this policy, his own ancestors who fled pogroms in Eastern Europe would most likely have been shipped back to Russia and denied entry.

My 2 cents: Her leaving under any cloud was long expected. As they say: “Good riddance to bad rubbish” – so who’s next?

We shall see.

Thanks for stopping by.

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