Friday, May 3, 2019

No Trump-Russian Collusion: What About Trump-FOX Teamwork, Coordination, Hype

Greatest symbiotic relationship ever: Trump—Fox News
(I scratch your back, you scratch mine)

Background and introduction to “spying” – re: comment recently used by AG Barr:

Barr made his “spying” comment in April during testimony to the House Appropriations Committee. He provided no details about what “spying” may have taken place but appeared to be alluding to a surveillance warrant the FBI obtained on a former Trump associate, George Papadopoulos and his early Russian contacts and meeting thereafter.

Barr says he saw no issue with his choice of words when he said he believed: Spying did occur against Trump's presidential campaign.”

Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the word:Spying does not have any pejorative connotation,” adding:It's a common term in media reports to refer to lawful surveillance.” 

When pressed by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) that the term is not commonly used by DOJ officials, Barr responded:It is commonly used by me.”

Some truth and facts (various stories and links):

My 2 cents: The word “spying” is a word use that most people would, despite Barr’s opinion, consider to be used as pejorative term and derogatory or a slur and term of disparagement. It almost always has a negative connotation. 

It shows a low opinion of someone or something – that is a lack of respect for a person or something about their activities. It is used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard of something or someone and their activities especially nefarious in nature.

But, how about officially-sanctioned “spying” (The better word being surveillance, that is: The monitoring of behavior, activities, or other changing information for the purpose of influencing, managing, directing, or protecting people against criminal activities).

How about to “uncover a terrorist plot or terrorist cell.”

Or working to stop another 9/11 attack, or another Beirut Marine barracks bombing, or another Embassy bombing in Nairobi, Kenya, or elsewhere – resulting in mass causalities.

Or, how about undercover operations (the official name used by the FBI or state or local police) to get inside a criminal mob or drug gang and disrupt their plans and apprehend criminals?

Most would argue that those examples of “spying” (which are all legal and court approved and justified) are good undercover operations against Carter Page (FISA-court approved) or directed towards George Papadopoulos and are not wrong just because they were connected to a political campaign (Trump’s in this case), or and connected countering Russian or Chinese or other illegal election activities are somehow evil and wrong and not justified. 

Okay, how else would we catch evil, nasty adversaries? 

Just ask them directly: “Hey, are you guys hacking us, or are you disrupting our elections and undermining our democratic systems, and way of life?”

That hardly makes any sense of any kind. 

Also, I would wager that the vast majority of Americans would agree with that assessment.

Thanks for stopping by.

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