Monday, January 23, 2017

New Weasel in DC: Kellyanne Conway — Front Line Clarifier for Trump

“Chuck, Chuck, Pay Attention, Okay…”

Short and sweet and to the point: Conway is full of it and herself:

FACT: “A fact is a piece of information presented as having objective reality.”

Ergo: “Alternative facts as Kellyanne Conway pushed, false; not true, and thus weakly and wrongly presented as true.”

NOTE: There may be and are in fact “alternative views and opinions,” but NOT alternative facts.

Here is the NBC clip from Meet the Press showing in her words Ms. Conway explaining to Chuck Todd what Press Secretary Sean Spicer meant when he basically chewed out the press and then, BTW: He walked off stage w/o taking one single question after but after he offered his alternative facts explanation.

Folks, it's gonna be a very, very long 4 years, assuming it lasts that long, so, stay tuned.

Oh BTW: related to this topic ... more later I suspect.

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