Sunday, March 19, 2017

No Official Duty or Role or Title or Responsbility, Just a Daughter

Along Side the German Chancellor

Along Side the PM of Canada

Across from the Japanese PM
(Even Earlier)

Ivanka Trump gatecrashed German Chancellor Angela Merkel's ill-fated summit with Donald Trump which was her the latest in a line of questionable appearances at gatherings where she probably doesn't really belong.
Trump is a reality TV star, businesswoman, and jewelry vendor who now sits next to the German chancellor and with other world leaders in the past – again, why?
So, yes, why is the daughter of the president at these high-level meetings? She has no official role, no title, and certainly no purpose to be there except one: Photo Ops to be used in her next commercial for goods shipped in for sale from China.
She could meet them at perhaps a dinner or lunch, but not during any official meetings and such.
This is totally unheard of, but with the Trump’s, well, they stretch protocol to the limits that they want. 
I guess we'll have to wait and see how this latest appears in Ivanka’s fashion Ads… 
So, never mind. Ho hum.

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