Saturday, May 20, 2017

Put the Kibosh on Trump’s “Loony Toon Saga” and Return Some Normalcy

Time to End This National Nightmare and Wake Up, America

We need to get the liar, insulter, hypocrite-in-Chief out of our lives – his is NOT the nation’s CEO and we are NOT his minions sitting in his conglomerate board room waiting to be fired or worse. 

No one likes to use the word liar – for years has not been used for public officials since lies are hard to prove, but not any more; not with Donald J. Trump. He erased that line long ago.  He is exhibit #1 in that category, and not just in my view, but a long line of proven lies.

It is how well past time to send him to back to his personal tower or where ever… these are the last few straws as it were – not even counting what the special counsel and congressional probably will uncover:

The most-recent event Exhibit #2 is son-in-law Jared Kushner – an exact pattern of Exhibit #1. To wit:

(1) These developments, (2) and here, (3) here and (3) and here – he’s like chicken man: “He’s everywhere, he’s everywhere.”

Yes, it is time to end this nightmare and the sooner the better for our national mental state of health – don’t ya’ think?

I have never been more serious about a political issue than this in my lifetime… what about you? Thanks for stopping by.

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