Thursday, June 22, 2017

Senate GOP Comes Out of Hiding With Healthcare Bill: Public Says WTF

GOP Senate “Leader” (I use the term “leader” loosely) Meets the Press

(Whoa, hold the rapid-fire questions. I need to catch my breath.
It's quite a hike from our secret bill writing cave to here)

Major Headlines: GOP Senators Have Concerns About 
Their New Healthcare Bill

Call this a WTF moment or for the hardcore righties who hate just about everything in government, call it a “Coming to Jesus Moment.” Beware however, that “light at the tunnel” just may be an oncoming runaway public reaction train.

Someone stage right screams: “Duck!!!” The collective GOP response: “What duck???”

Here is a great rundown on the backstage wheeling and dealing in the Mitch McConnell loony bin from the Washington Post… a really excellent article.

Highlights and BTW: They can only afford to lose two votes before VP Pence swoops in to save the day like he did to save DeVos confirmation vote for Education Secretary.

If they lose more than 2 votes they will be backed up to the wall. Then we would see and hear just how raw GOP backroom deals really (and BTW: most backroom deals only favor the member not the public's best interests). At that they would be either content, have a very rude awakening, but certainly not enlightenment.

It is not in the GOP's DNA to actually serve and work for the “American people” that they brag and profess so much about in every one of their floor speeches.

So, sorry, all you GOP fans, the hypocrites in this GOP-run Senate just can’t do that. Sadly, a ton of weak excuses to follow.

Stay tuned ... and the CBO updates will be barn burner as they say.

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