Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Trump Measures Success on EO's He Signed Not the Pending Harm

White House EO Signing Ceremony Cheering Squad

Trump speaks in the Roosevelt Room before signing an EO directing the Interior Department to review restrictive drilling policies for the outer-continental shelf. Seen above (L-R): VP Pence; Rep. Young (AK); Sen. Cassidy (LA); Commerce Sec. Ross) [AP Photo]

Washington Post analysis of Trump to date since assuming office – and certain measure of his successes seen here from Business Insider:

Trump has been ruled by compulsions, obsessions, and vindictiveness all expressed nearly daily on Twitter.

He has demonstrated an egotism that borders on solipsism.

His political skills as president have been close to nonexistent.

His White House is divided, incompetent and chaotic, and key administration jobs remain unfilled.

His legislative agenda has gone nowhere.

He has told constant, childish, refuted, uncorrected lies, and demanded and habituated deception among his underlings.

He has humiliated and undercut his staff while requiring and rewarding flattery.

He has promoted self-serving conspiracy theories. He has displayed pathetic, even frightening, ignorance on policy matters foreign and domestic.

He has inflicted his ethically challenged associates on the nation.

He is dead to the poetry of language and to the nobility of the political enterprise and viewing politics as conquest rather than as service.

So, I wonder what his supporters think now? (They probably love it, um).

Thanks for stopping by.

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