Sunday, May 13, 2018

Attention Arrogant GOP: What Goes Around Comes Around to Bite You in the A$$

Northern Exposure As It Were 

GOP on Immigration: A Lesson in the Facts — Pay Attention

The GOP’s nastiness always seems to come full circle and bite them in the ass - they being the “family values party and all” right?

Story – case in point:

White House CofS John Kelly: Days after the Trump administration further tightened immigration law enforcement by canceling deportation protections for Hondurans who fled a 1998 hurricane. That move pushed the number of immigrants formerly under temporary protected status and now in jeopardy to over 1 million. 

Then days after that, AG Sessions announced: The U.S. would adopt an official policy of criminally prosecuting people trying to enter the country illegally meaning parents would be separated from their children on a large scale.

Then Kelly’s retort on NPR:The children will be taken care of — put into foster care or whatever.” 

– Wow or whatever? 

My 2 cents: Kelly says: “The children will be taken care of or whatever?” 
Also, note: Immigrant rights advocates slammed Kelly’s comments, and The Washington Post noted that Kelly personally descended from Irish and Italian immigrants, some of whom didn’t speak English for years while living in the U.S.
As far as that nut roll, Tomi Lahren is concerned, well, it appears she is the descendant of an immigrant born in the Old Russian Empire who forged an immigration document to try to secure his status.

Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Trump came to the U.S. from Germany with almost no English skills. He got rich running a restaurant, bar, and brothel in British Columbia during the Gold Rush days. BTW: Brothel is fancy name for whorehouse. Not much skill or merit-based there to come to America, um, Mr. President?

FYI: Stories related to the Trump hypocrisy and foreign hires:
Oops … ass, meet bite.
Thanks for stopping by.

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