Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day: Remember Fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines; Not Oneself

The Focus for Today: Memorial Day 2018

Not the focus today: Me, only me, just me, always me no one else

So where is the national outrage - the headlines:

Now Trump speaks for brave who died in combat by fluffing himself and further showing his total ignorance and incompetence to be president and CINC.

All the time it’s about him bragging but one who never served in uniform and now has the unmitigated gall to tweet this crap on such a solemn day:

“Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18 years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!”

—  Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, May 28, 2018

From the White House this statement: “Memorial Day is an occasion for Americans to honor those who lost their lives in service to our country. As we do so, it is also a moment to consider how we can make life better for all of America’s heroes in uniform, including our veterans.”

My 2 Cents: Simple and direct on this day – Memorial Day is a solemn day which is one I will never forget as I posted here about that day’s effect on me (in 1966).

As I have said many times before. Donald J. Trump is a very sick man and a phony CINC and useless president who always has to play to his brain dead audience as if he were promoting and encouraging them to watch the next segment of his unreality show: “Doofus Я Me.”

It’s always him and no one else hogging the spotlight and demanding attention for himself – that is not normal by any measurement.

Sometimes I can’t find the words to express my anger and disgust with this administration and all the wrong it has done – not the few good parts – but the bad since government is always expected to do good things and not any harm. 

Trump’s mix in that regard is 95% bad and a mere 5%, maybe 5%, possibly measured as good, but I’m not even so sure about the long term effects of  the good, 

Time will tell.

Thanks for stopping by.

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