Saturday, May 26, 2018

Trump: No Matter the Forum, Audience, Topic, or Venue He Just Can't Stop Lying

Latest String of Lies: And to recent graduates the Naval Academy
(Friday, May 25, 2018)

Trump appears to be competing with George Orwell.

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” ― George Orwell, 1984

“Up is down, right is wrong, good is bad, I’m the smartest man ever, best educated, best vocabulary, best job and greatest president ever, doing the most-believable and beautiful things in American history – ever in history in fact and more and better than anyone, ever, believe me.” — Donald J. Trump, Always

Hint: No, Mr. Trump, we do not believe or trust you, and the proof is all around to show that – the most-recent examples follow.

Commander-in-Chief (CINC) or more likely today with Trump: Commander-of-Büllshït (COBS)… He is America’s president – the Commander-in-Chief of what? 

Dysfunctional government; fooling the troops; the public; our friends and allies; or indeed anyone who hears his voice practically 24/7. 

Case in point from The AP here via MSN includes a short 2:30 video clip of some of his outright lies at the Naval Academy graduation speaking to graduates.

TRUMP on Military Pay Raise: “Going to have new equipment and well-deserved pay raises. We just got you a big pay raise. First time in 10 years. We got you a big pay increase. First time in over 10 years. I fought for you. That was the hardest one to get, but you never had a chance of losing.”

THE FACTS: That's not right. Military members have gotten a pay raise every year for the past 10 years and several have been larger than this year's 2.6 percent increase by Trump: Increased in 2008, 2009, and 2010, for example, were all 3.4 percent or more.

TRUMP on Navy fleets: “We have now the lowest number of ships that we've had since World War I, and very soon you're going to get to 355 beautiful ships. 355. That's almost a couple of hundred more ships.”

THE FACTS: No it isn't the lowest since WWI – the Navy now has 283 ships.

My 2 Cents: As I’ve stated before, Donald J. Trump is a pitiful man by any and perhaps all standards of logic. The way he casually lies and distorts anything and fails to tell the truth is astonishing. 

And, always his purpose is to fluff and benefit himself. 

He is a disgraceful and awful person that expects his words to ever be challenged. 

The best ever in office – hardly: Pretty sure it’s 180° opposite. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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