Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sodomites and GOP in Control: Joined at the Wallet, Meataxe, and Deep Freezer

Add: Greedy, selfish, stingy, nasty, and totally lacking 
any moral compass

SSDI and SSI under Trump’s Meat Axe – What a Sorry Day for America

Introduction from Huffington Post article. Also more from this site is below:

Donald Trump lies about everything from the size of his inauguration crowds to his promise to provide “great health care for a fraction of the price” to every person in America. So, it’s no surprise that Trump is lying when his Administration says his just-released budget proposal doesn’t cut Social Security. In fact, it cuts billions from that vital program.

There is good reason that he is covering up the truth. The truth is a complete contradiction of his repeated campaign promise not to cut Social Security. He bragged that his refusal to cut Social Security differentiated him from his Republican Primary rivals, who had their knives at the ready. His voters tend to be older and more rural. They will be hit the hardest by his duplicity. 

Now this story from CBS News with two video clips included at the site:
When Budget Director Mick Mulvaney assumed the podium in the White House briefing room last week and previewed the administration's 2018 budget, Heather Block's fears quickly turned to outrage.

Block, a 54-year-old former international aid worker from Lewes, Delaware, listened with growing anger as Mulvaney promised to slice $72 billion from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) over the next ten years. The cuts are among $1.74 trillion in social welfare cuts proposed by the Trump administration, a sweeping plan that could kick people like Block off a program, known as SSDI that keeps her financially afloat.

Block recalled:Where are the morals of the people going after people like me dealing with Stage 4 cancer who are on disability for five years after cancer spread to my liver and lungs. The people I know, like me, with advanced cancer — we've wanted to be in the workplace, but we don't have that ability now, so this is our income.”

Trump’s budget director and White House puke Mulvaney then said: “Shouldn't it be up to the government to make sure we can look folks who are paying the taxes in the eye and say, you know what, we did everything we could to make sure that everybody on SSDI is really disabled.”

Trump’s Administration is seeking to cover up the breaking of this key promise by claiming that Social Security disability insurance, which the budget cuts, is not really Social Security, or, at least, not an important part of Social Security protection – though it has been part of working families’ earned Social Security benefits for more than six decades and is the nation’s most important protection for working families hit with work-ending disabilities!

Unfortunately, too many reporters are parroting the White House lie, spreading the falsehood that the budget doesn’t touch “core” Social Security benefits. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Analogy: It is Orwellian to say that Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is not Social Security. It would be like claiming that only the Army and Navy are core parts of the Armed Forces, so cutting the Marines and Air Force is not cutting the Armed Forces.

Ironically, this law Trump signed into effect is a good thing because it protects disabled persons whose “representatives” may have been taking advantage of them with their benefit payments – this law tightening up the rules, but now he cuts the two most important programs for needy disabled person. How and shy can his man be so harsh and cruel while giving billions in tax breaks to his super-rich BFF’s?

My 2 Cents: Trump and his team are evil, nasty, mean-spirited people who only stand for and with big money donors and special moneyed interests and nothing else despite their words otherwise – their nasty deeds say it all.

And, that’s all I will say today about this horrible move by them.

Thanks for coming by.

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