Sunday, May 20, 2018

Trump Jr., Legal Woes Multiplying: Historical Hole Gets Deeper By the Day It Seems

Trump Jr. First Meeting with Campaign Members and Russians

Trump Jr. Second Meeting with Shady Characters and ME Actors

Excellent reporting and panel whose discussion in the video (about 17 minutes) is worth your time [click here for the video].

Note: The former FBI Special Agent’s assessment is especially eye-opening.

My 2 Cents:  Folks, this whole affair is more and more extremely critical. 

What is on the line, I believe, is the very survival of our entire democratic system and way of life that we all profess to cherish, support, and defend… but apparently Trump and those tied to him do not share that same loyalty – only to him and each other – damn sure, not the country’s sake or future at least my view. 

Time will tell what the final outcome is for sure. 

Stay tuned as always thanks for stopping by.

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