Saturday, June 2, 2018

"Make America Great Again" — Act and Stand Alone Against Everyone Allies Included

Canada and UK our historical allies and partners in war and peace
(Trump angers them causes them to turn against us)

His latest import tariff stunt 
(As usual cheers only for himself)

How can we as a nation accept and allow Trump to keep saying:  “We are #1 – we will go it alone” – with his us against the entire world attitude all the while stiffing our closest allies and friends and partners while kissing Putin's ass and never admitting anything bad about him, let alone saying anything bad about him.

Re: this really big story and latest stunt – yes, a stunt, a one-man power play, I might add: a very sick one, too: The White House officially implemented steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from the European Union, Canada, and Mexico but not without swift backlash from businesses and allies around the world.

This from our closest ally and biggest trading partner in North America: Canada and their PM, Justin Trudeau who said in part at a press conference: “The tariffs as an affront to a longstanding relationship between the U.S. and Canada, and let me be clear: These tariffs are totally unacceptable.”

British PM Theresa May said she was “deeply disappointed at the unjustified decision” to apply the tariffs announced by the Department of Commerce (from Secy. Wilbur Ross and at the behest of Trump), adding his two cents with these pearls of “wisdom” as it were:If any of these parties does retaliate that does not mean there cannot be continuing negotiations.”

PM Trudeau moved ahead with retaliatory tariffs against us on American-made products ranging from metals to mayonnaise.

(I Note: Hellman’s not on the side of Trudeau’s Canadian food. Kind of offsets this catchy Hellman’s commercial doesn’t it? LOL LOL).

My 2 Cents: I seriously wonder how much more damage Trump can do in the remaining time he has in office (which I hope is months and NOT years)?

Stay tuned to see but keep in mind: He is setting us back hundreds of years without any doubt or vision of the future except for his own benefit.

Thanks for stopping by.

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