Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Trump's Business Only Attitude: Obama's Clean Power Plan on the Chopping Block

Back to the future (not the movie) - 
(The Trump nightmare version)

Kind of speaks for itself, um Herr Trump

This update is from Media Matters:

The Trump administration is now defending the by citing a thoroughly debunked and discredited 2015 study from an industry-funded front group called the “The National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC).”

The Clean Power Plan implemented under former President in 2015, called for reducing carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants while increasing the use of renewable energy – but Trump as noted below intends to revoke that plan and replace it with the “Affordable Clean Energy” rule that in essence would allow much more pollution from coal plants.  

The Trump administration's draft talking points in support of the EPA's replacement plan, obtained by E&E News, cite a debunked study commissioned by the National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), a fossil-fuel-funded group that purports to represent black businesses. 

The talking points claim that the Clean Power Plan "would have hurt minorities and senior citizens disproportionally," and goes on to list statistics that came directly from the NBCC report: But the NBCC report was thoroughly debunked after it was released in 2015. Fact-checkers exposed serious problems with the NBCC study.

Conversely and according to Harry Alford, President of the real and valid National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), Trump’s plan would probably increase Black poverty by 23%, Hispanic poverty by 26%, and also result in cumulative job losses of 7 million Blacks and nearly 12 million Hispanics by 2035.

The original story follows from here:

Perfect place for Trump to pontificate
(Behind a smoke screen)

BREAKING NEWS (pretty damn big news, too) August 21, 2018 – 

Washington, DC (the EPA) from CNBC headlines:

Trump administration to replace Obama's Clean Power Plan with weaker Greenhouse gas rules for power plants

•   The Trump administration is expected to announce its plan to replace an Obama-era rule to regulate planet-warming emissions from power plants.

•  The new plan will reportedly hand authority to states to create narrower rules to limit greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired plants.

•  The Trump EPA's plan is projected to result in the release of far more of the gases than the Obama rule would have allowed.

Key part of the story:

Obama's signature Clean Power Plan established the first nationwide rules for carbon emissions. It set emissions goals for each state and gave them many options to reduce climate pollution, with the goal of cutting the nation's emissions by 32 percent below 2005 levels.

Trump is expected to tout his replacement for the Clean Power Plan at a rally in West Virginia on Tuesday (August 21, 2018) evening

Politico first reported the broad outline last week, and The New York Times and Washington Post have since reported more details.

(I Note: WV in the heart of coal country with lots of Trump voters for 2018 and 2020 and of course more RED state based PR and then expected fat PAC checks from the coal and less-than-clean-air industry, too. Just wait and see).

Andrew Wheeler, acting EPA chief (who replaced the fired/resigned Greg Pruitt) signed the proposal (The New York Times reported).

Impact if this Change in Direction is Approved: The new plan from Trump's EPA does not set a hard goal for nationwide emissions reductions, according to reports. It is projected to allow 12 times more greenhouse gas to be emitted over the next decade than under the Clean Power Plan, The Washington Post reported.

Greenhouse Gas 101: Three-minute video. Enjoy:

Greenhouse Gas - What is it?

My 2 cents (coughing and wheezing will be forthcoming): Apparently we now see more of Trump’s three-throng attack on science and decency in public policy: (1) Due to his age and such, he could give a flying f**k about any damage to clean air since he would be gone when the irreversible damage hits and takes away decent, clean, and healthy air, that BTW, Mr. Trump, every living thing needs to, you know, live; (2) another nail in the coffin of anything Obama (Trump’s #1 arch enemy); and (3) he simply anything to do science of any kind – he was a mentor or student of Greg Pruitt after all you know.

Only one thing applies here – the public must stand up and say no all ways possible, and this “we don’t care what Trump does” attitude from this all GOP-run Congress should get off their collective asses and stop this man and his madness – for surely this move is utterly insane.

Stopping or turning back clean air, clean water, and safe food and anything to do with science-based anything drives Trump. So, what is he trying to do? Get a world just for him and his family in an air-tight safe bunker someplace – when to do what?

Trump may not give a damn about the future, other than for himself and another building project, but a whole lot of people think about the future, our kids, grand kids, and generations yet unborn. 

Imagine if those at the turn of the 20th Century or before during the Industrial Revolution when industry took off and the those living at that time had the same selfish attitude like Trump – he wouldn’t be here and neither would the country or world for that matter. 

This is an awfully sick move on Trump’s part. It and he must be stopped. Do what you can.

Thanks for stopping by.

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