Saturday, June 1, 2019

Latest Gun-Related Work Space Mass Shooting: NRA and GOP Only Slightly Stunned

Open-carry Wild-Wild West Days: NRA and GOP Love It

No matter the seriousness of the latest gun-related mass murder (VA Beach, VA) many are work-related. This latest saw the shooter use a .45 cal. handgun with extended magazines.

So, progress, right? Now as long as the NRA and most righties (Red states mostly) insist on and push for:

(1) More (or total) open carry laws on the streets of America – anywhere, anytime,

(2) No strict gun laws whatsoever anywhere at all,

(3) Apparent return to the good old days of the Wild, Wild West with all its glory and gory.

The Republican side will to anything to keep massive amounts of gun money flowing to the GOPers in office who will work and make it less “gun control” from taking hold at the Red state and Federal, too.

NRA donations to help in obtaining their goals in Congress: 2017 and 2018 example: $5 million each cycle, and growing for 2019 (full report here from Open Secrets) (open search window at the site to see the NRA’s history dating back to 1998).

Thanks for stopping by.

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