Sunday, June 2, 2019

Mick Mulvaney W/H Acting CofS: Weasel, Excuse Maker, Dullard, Trump Sycophant

On MTP: Poor excuses and shameful weak appearance  
(Re: Hide the USS John S. McCain — DDG-56)

Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney (On “Meet the Press” – June 2, 2019) said:It wasn't unreasonable for an administration staffer to ask that the USS John S. McCain be hidden during Trump's recent Japan. It probably was somebody on the advance team who told the Navy to hide the ship based on the president's feelings toward late Sen. John McCain. The president's feelings towards the former senator are well known and firing someone over the request is silly.”

Mulvaney continued:The fact that some 23- or 24-year-old person on the advance team went to that site and said, “Oh my goodness. There's the John McCain. We all know how the president feels about the former senator. Maybe that's not the best backdrop. Can somebody look into moving it? That's not an unreasonable thing to ask.”

The Navy confirmed receiving a request to “minimize visibility of the USS John S. McCain,” named for late senator's grandfather (Sr.) and father (Jr.), and then later Senator, the John S. McCain III was added.

Trump said:I did not know of the request, but whoever did it was well-meaning.”

My 2 cents: First of all, there is nothing that goes on around Trump that he does know about.  

So, let me get this straight. The W/H staff or anyone around Trump (as Mulvaney said) can do or say anything, good, bad, or indifferent to protect and not embarrass Trump, or hurt his feelings. 

Apparently, even lying about this disgusting stunt: hiding a Navy ship and crew because of the name on the ship or the sailor’s shoulder patch might piss off Trump – who happens to hate Sen. John McCain and has for a very long time. 

If all that is true, then folks we are real trouble about anyone pandering to Trump and worrying about hurting his feelings. 

As far as Mulvaney, he is full of crap and has zero credibility about this disgraceful and shameful incident. He is just another in  a long line of Trump sycophants. He should resign. He is a walking mess. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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