Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Jared Kushner's Middle Name Revealed: "Ignoramus" Self-evident to Anyone

Two BFF’s of the Same Feather Flocking
(Kushner and MBS) 

A great Jared Kushner in-depth analysis here from CNN via MSN:

Subject: Jared Kushner is profoundly clueless

Introduction: Does Jared Kushner know anything relevant to his White House role at all? Have any comprehension of the role of a public servant? See a purpose in his life other than elevating himself into ever-higher echelons of wealth and influence? If you were going by his remarks in a recent interview with Axios, the answer would have to be no.

Asked by Jonathan Swan to name the thing Trump will be known for in 50 or 100 years, Kushner replied, in part:What this President did is he represented an outsider who came in, brought in a ton of people who never would've been in Washington before who were not qualified by conventional standards. And he's brought in a ton of people that have brought great results to this country both economically and from a national security point of view.”

It is true that Trump brought in a great many outsiders who were not qualified for their administration jobs by conventional standards (or any standards). 

His cabinet members and other appointments have been often inept, many of them just seriously inexperienced. Even his ambassadors are the least qualified in living memory.

As a result, America's reputation worldwide has been sullied, we are facing unprecedented attacks on freedom of the press, election interference from a hostile foreign power has gone largely ignored by the administration, and we may be facing a constitutional crisis. Those are not great results. They are disastrous to our living democracy.

Kushner sputtered and spun, looking like a little boy dressed up in his father's suit, unable to give a definitive or direct answer to nearly every question asked of him. From abortion rights to Israel, Palestinians to the presidential campaign, Kushner served word salad. It was a rare and jarring look inside the mind of a cipher made suddenly and undeservedly powerful. What we saw: A whole lot of nothing.

Kushner's interview would have been comical if this under qualified senior adviser didn't have the ear of the leader of the free world, and didn't, absurdly, believe himself the right guy to offer advice on any number of matters – including taking over the Middle East peace process.

Kushner’s real qualifications? He married a Trump, and his father-in-law likes him. Before that, Kushner had achieved little beyond a mediocre academic career, a massive real estate failure via his criminal dad's company, and the decision to purchase a newspaper – The New York Observer – as a vanity project that he promptly ran into the ground.

Continue the article here from CNN – a very good read for sure.

Thanks for stopping by.

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