Thursday, June 27, 2019

Trump in True Fashion: Falsely Accuses Mueller of Crimes Without Any Proof

The Face of Evil by Any Measurement
(This tops the list)

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Trump has falsely accused special counsel Robert Mueller of deleting messages that would support the president’s contention that the Russia investigation was out to get him.

The provocative allegation of a “crime” by Mueller was one in a series of distorted claims made by the president in an interview on Fox Business Network and on Twitter on Wednesday (June 26, 2019) this one stands out as a 100% “Pants on Fire” whopper.

Trump said re: communications between two FBI employees: 

Mueller terminated them illegally. He terminated the emails, he terminated all of the stuff between Strzok and Page, you know they sung like you’ve never seen. Robert Mueller terminated their text messages together. He would – he terminated them. They’re gone. And that’s illegal, he – that’s a crime.”

Fact: Not true. 

Mueller had no role in deleting anti-Trump text messages traded by former FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, and there’s no basis for saying Mueller was involved in anything illegal.

Fact: Once Mueller learned of the existence of the texts, which were sent before his appointment as special counsel, he removed Strzok from his team investigating potential ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Trump appears to be referring to the fact that the FBI, for technical reasons, was initially unable to retrieve months of text messages between the two officials. But the FBI was ultimately able to recover them and there’s never been any allegation that Mueller had anything to do with that process.

Other Trump lies at the above AP link.

My 2 cents: How have we come to reach this depth of tolerating Trump and his well over 10,000 documented lies?

Never in American history has this happened, so, this is truly a first.

Thus, Trump alone has bragging rights to achieving that record: “The biggest presidential liar in American history.” Yippee…!!!

Thanks for stopping by.

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