Sunday, June 23, 2019

Trump Self-Fluffing Bragging: Causes Iranian Problems; Blames Others; Claims Glory

Trump's view of Iran nuke deal: Pull out of it
(No matter the cost of that decision)

Update from USA Today from a previous USA Today story same topic:

While saying “many people agree” with his last-minute decision not to attack Iranian sites on Thursday in retaliation for Iran shooting down the U.S. drone, Trump said that did not mean he was turning soft adding:Now if the leaders of Iran behave badly, then it is going to be a very, very bad day for them, but hopefully they are smart, and hopefully they are for their people and not themselves.  And hopefully we can get Iran back onto an economic track that is fantastic. If they did, Iran would become a wealthy nation, which would be a wonderful thing — but if they are going to be foolish, that will never happen.”

Trump tweeted:Iran cannot have Nuclear Weapons! Under the terrible Obama plan, they would have been on their way to Nuclear in a short number of years, and existing verification is not acceptable. We are putting major additional Sanctions on Iran on Monday. I look forward to the day that.....” — Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump June 22, 2019

Part of the olive branch toward Iran included praise that the Iranian forces that destroyed the drone did not attack a nearby U.S. military plane carrying, which he said was carrying 38 people with Trump saying: “They didn't shoot it down, and I think that was a very wise decision, and I think that is something we very much appreciate.”

Then in true Trump fashion, he criticized former President Obama for a multinational agreement with Iran that lifted some sanctions on Tehran while limiting Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions. Trump underscored that message later in another tweet saying: Iran cannot have Nuclear Weapons!”

Trump told reporters the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) ( link) which would have delayed Iran's ability to build a weapon, was flawed, and claimed that it did not allow widespread international inspection of sites for producing nuclear material adding:Most primary sites you couldn't go to, you couldn't inspect. We haven't seen them in years.”

The JCPOA here in simple terms.

That is false: In April, a quarterly report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which handles the inspections, said its inspectors have had access to all the places in Iran they have needed to visit, and that was also confirmed by IAEA chief Yukiya Amano.

Plus: The IAEA quarterly report on Iran’s nuclear program, released publicly just days after Amano’s statement, contains additional details demonstrating that Iran is abiding by the deal’s terms.

It notes that Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium is below the 300-kilogram cap set by the JCPOA and that Iran has not enriched uranium above the limit of 3.67 percent uranium-235, far below the 90 percent level considered useful for weapons purposes. 

The report notes that the agency has had access to “all the sites and locations in Iran which it needed to visit.” 

Amano also continued to defend the importance of the IAEA’s independence in evaluating information related to its efforts to monitor peaceful nuclear activities.

Amano emphasized that the IAEA “undertakes analysis and takes action in an impartial, independent, and objective manner.”

Trump also said that any talks with Iran would bar outright their ability to make any nuclear weapons, not simply delay that possibility, adding:Allowing Iran to ever be able to make a nuclear weapon is unacceptable.”

The outcome if Trump continues on this path:

And the result the days after: 

My 2 cents: How much longer can the world, indeed the whole country, tolerate this pathological lying man in office? This is not a rhetorical question.

Add all that above with this recent AP fact checking story and things continue to look bleaker. I call this “fact-based truth vs. Trump’s fantasy fiction.”

Thanks for stopping by.

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