Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mick Mulvaney W/H Acting CofS: Must Praise Trump at All Costs Caravan Continues

He does kind of align with Himmler in many aspects
(Historical comparisons are apropos)

This quote says a lot about what we see and hear today
(Re: Trump tactics and his M.O.)

I am sure this post will turn off a lot of people on one side of the so-called political divide, if so, so be — the facts are what they are: facts.

So, how to identify anything despicable in this administration, that is a true lackey, a hardened sycophant like Acting CofS Mick Mulvaney?

Easy peasy Mick Mulvanesy. 

Watch his appearance on “Face the Nation” today (July 28, 2019), defending Trump’s latest string of ugly nasty tweets with racial overtones.

That 8-minute TV segment of his appearance is below in case you missed it. BTW: Bring a barf bag. Yeah, it’s that bad:

My 2 cents: This man’s words show precisely what is inside this White House and administration: That is to agree with and go along with anything whatsoever that Trump says, does, tries, lies, or denies about anything, period. Either that, or resign, quite, or get fired.

But, Trump will still praise you as he kicks you go out the door.

That is his preferred method to solidify his goal of a one-man rule of all elements of government just as any other one-man rulers travel that same path like: Vladimir Putin; Kim Jong-un; Xi Jinping; Rodrigo Duterte; Bashar al-Assad; Mohammad Bin Salman al-Saud (MBS); or any number of other despot. 

What we see and here from Trump is in his DNA and has been his whole adult life and each chapter is one of utter failure despite his bragging otherwise. 

He won’t change – he can’t change, but we can change him soon, or certainly NLT November 2020 – time will tell.

Thanks for stopping by.

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