Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mueller's House Testimony: GOP Fired Up and Ready to Belittle, Insult and Shame Him

Boy has the U.S. fallen into disrepair under Trump Inc.

Update on the following story with this headline: “Fox’s pro-Trump propagandists want congressional Republicans to ask Mueller about their conspiracy theories.”

This story stars (as usual) Sean Hannity on the FOX-Goebbels network.

FOX’s platform issues instructions to GOP members to unload on Mueller tomorrow. No big surprise.

Original post from here:

Close to Trump Who Didn't Escape Justice

Republicans Keep Forgetting This - Why is That

Prepping for Mueller’s testimony (Wednesday, July 23, 2019) highlighted extract from story here from ABC News:

Republicans could also use the Mueller platforms (House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees) to elevate GOP concerns that Trump was inappropriately targeted by the FBI and the DOJ.

For example, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) a committee member and fervent Trump supporter, told FOX News on Monday (July 22):We have to do more than just question Robert Mueller. We have to expose the bias investigation that was run and we also have to expose the substantial omissions in the Mueller report.”

Republicans all across “Alex Jones, Roger Stone, FOX conspiracy la-la land” have repeatedly cited texts between former FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page – who exchanged messages as they were having an extramarital affair – as proof and evidence that the origins of the investigation and decision-making by the FBI in the 2016 election was politically tainted.

NOTE HOWEVER: The DOJ’s own IG concluded that the FBI's actions in 2016 WERE NOT politically-motivated, but that Page and Strzok's actions did some damage to the FBI's reputation however unfairly.

Trump and Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee could also (again) raise questions about the FBI's use of the Steele “Dossier” which is a series of uncorroborated allegations against Trump vis-à-vis relations in and with Russia. 

They are also prone to bring up the FBI’s effort to obtain FISA warrants to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page (and possibly George Papadopoulos) along with other Republicans driven aided by FOX’s Sean Hannity, et al, who all claim that amounts to “Spying on Trump.”

And these clips:
Republicans generally say: The anti-Trump research in a dossier prepared by former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele and paid for by Democrats was used inappropriately to obtain the warrant on Page.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said: It was a solid application and the renewals were signed by four different judges appointed by three different Republican presidents.”
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senate Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committees member broke ranks with Trump and said: I don’t think the FBI did anything wrong in obtaining warrants against Page.”
From the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU headlines: FBI Would’ve Been Derelict Not to Use Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA Warrant.
AGAIN NOTE: Republicans continue to say the FISA warrant was improperly obtained. 

And, again, DOJ officials have defended the actions as valid and legal.

My 2 cents: Tune in watch – I’m sure millions will.

Thanks for stopping by.

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