Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hannity Steps Way Over The Line: His Broadcast Sends a Very Dangerous Message

Hannity's Threat to Iran Advocates Direct All-Out War

This Hannity broadcast on FOX reminded me of this quote from the Eddie Murphy political comedy movie:The Distinguished Gentleman.” 

It was a question asked by a crooked lobbyist, Olaf Anderson,”  played by Joe Don Baker who asked about a forthcoming DC scandal he and others made and were now trying to fix or cover up: “The question is, can we get the sh*t back into the horse?” 

The headline and this story from Media Matters:

Sean Hannity uses his show to speak directly to the Iranian Mullahs and threaten them with military action

Word for word from Hannity’s mouth over the airwaves:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): “I want to speak directly to the Iranian mullahs. I want to tell you I have known President Trump for, well, about 23-plus years. Let me tell you what's not going to happen to help you out tonight and what could happen. You keep pushing this button, and I can promise you the president is never going to engage in a boots on the ground, long protracted conflict. No. He is going – if he acts, he is going to act and it's going to be over quickly.” 

That's my prediction. And you have been warned. It will be over and it will be over quickly. That is my prediction to the Iranian mullahs. So you keep acting the way you're acting and you will see -- like we have been right on so many issues over the years, we will be right on that prediction.”

Now we all know -- if we're going to be very honest tonight, we know the prime minister, I know the mullahs in Iran knows it, I know the president knows it -- that the Prime Minister of Great Britain is weak. President Trump is not weak. If he decides to act, it will be over quickly -- and let me add one other thing, you will lose.” 

Hannity's July 19, 2019 broadcast is below. Note how weakly tries to say he doesn't want war - even after advocating it:


Trump Calls Iran After Hannity’s Predicted Attack
(As my pal Sean said — Now deal with it)

My 2 cents: I am not a lawyer or legal expert but this statement by Hannity on a major media outlet like Fox that way he expresses it, well… that seems to me to be illegal and unlawful way over the line that protects his free speech or Fox freedom of the press by any standard or measure. It certainly raised a very red flag for me and hopefully for others. Sadly, the Trump loyalists I suspect are lapping it up.

I believe that Rupert Murdoch or his son who own and run Fox should step in and shut down Hannity and tell others on that network to cease from that kind of broadcast.

And, to coin another famous quote:That presents a clear and present danger” to see a TV show host appearing to be speaking for the President. 

This is a very dangerous precedence I strongly believe. But, I suspect the courts would disagree with me on that point, sadly.

Also, I strongly believe in the First Amendment totally, but there are limits and is may be one. We’ll see what follows – if anything at all. 

Stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by.

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