Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Oaf of Office: Only Needs White Supremacists and Right-wing Media As A Shield

Hand on Bible: Art of Con Now Raise Your Right Hand

Must read article (Washington Post via MSN). My noted highlights are below:

Sort Introduction: It seems hard to escape the conclusion that to be a Republican in 2019 is not just to be a racist but rather to be one who is proud of that designation.

Article's author is Daniel Drezner: “I was a Republican in my youth. But none of the values that attracted me to the party then are present in Trump’s version of the GOP. The party of Reagan is dead. What has emerged in its place is something unspeakable.”

Washington Post’s Greg Sargent wrote:Central to Trump’s racism ... is not just the content of the racism itself. It’s also that he’s asserting the right to engage in public displays of racism without it being called out for what it is. A crucial ingredient here is Trump’s declaration of the ability to flaunt his racism with impunity.”

Washington Post’s Toluse Olorunnipa notes: Trump has learned over the past three years that there is little consequence within his party or from aligned corporate and religious leaders for embracing incendiary rhetoric and pugilistic attacks.”

New York Times’s Annie Karni writes:  “Administration veterans said they had long ago become immune to thinking anything Mr. Trump said would stick to him for more than one news cycle.”

Trump tweets about the four members of the House – all women of color and all U.S. citizens (three born here – one naturalized 20 years ago):If you’re complaining all the time, very simply, you can leave.”

That sentence is breathtaking. Trump does nothing but complain. Just recently, Trump has complained about these (my emphasis added):

·       2020 polling (more frequent lately)
·       Congressional Democrats (at least daily)
·       The Mueller probe (off and on)
·       Paul Ryan (former GOP speaker not in office)
·       Andrew McCabe (always a comeback target)
·       CNN (mostly 24/7)
·       Bitcoin (odd new target)
·       Facebook and Twitter (Twitter is Trump’s fav platform)
·       The U.S. Supreme Court (works for only him he implies)
·       His 2016 victory (he still blames Hilary for his win)


If Trump went into exile, the aggregate amount of complaining in the United States would fall by an appreciable amount.

Trump fails to understand how democracy works. The opposition party’s job is to criticize the president for policy and political shortcomings. 

Mr. Trump, FYI: That’s how the system works — politicians complain.

The GOP did nothing but complain during the Obama years — and Trump is 100% included (e.g., #1 where’s his birth certificate – go back to Kenya where he was born).

Imagine the GOP’s reaction if Barack Obama had suggested that complaining Republicans should just leave the country.

Trump cannot abide the notion that the members of Congress are a separate but equal branch of government that he disparages who were elected in part to check his power.

My 2 cents: Related here from Trump’s backers. Astonishing but not surprising. It is apt to get far worse, sadly.

Thanks for stopping by.

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