Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Trump to Upstage Mueller's Testimony: Another Shot to Insult and Shame Mueller

Mueller Testifying in Congress and Trump Rallying in NC
(July 17 Airtime Faceoff) 

Trump has a campaign rally scheduled for July 17 in NC, the same day Mueller will appear in Congress for his live testimony. With a 7 p.m. start time for his event that means Trump will likely be speaking in the middle of primetime TV.

Impact: If cable news picks up any of Trump’s speech live that would eat into time that otherwise almost certainly would have gone to discussion of Mueller’s testimony.

My note on that if it were to occur: It would grossly unfair and unjust to the public to interrupt Mueller live for Trump’s rally speech. It so, it would probably only be FOX that would cut away to Trump’s speech I suspect. We shall see.

As for Trump, he probably hopes to provide counter Mueller report comments in his speech. For example, he has repeatedly attacked Mueller’s investigation as a “witch hunt” and has claimed incorrectly that it found “no obstruction.”

However, Mueller’s report details 10 instances of potential obstruction, but made no decision on them adding this bombshell conclusion: “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.” 

Trump’s July 17 “Keep America Great” event is scheduled for Williams Arena in Greenville, NC (AP reports). It has a listed seat capacity of 8,000.

I hear you but I can't hear Mueller’s fake testimony

My 2 cents: This is another classic Trump stunt to stay center of attention no matter what. This is pathetic … I hope no one shows up for his rally and stays home watching Mueller – that testimony is historic; not another Trump rally speech about “angry crooked Hillary, or corrupt FBI and CIA, and great guys Kim Jong-un or Vladimir Putin, or Sleepy Joe Biden.”

Plus no need for any more Trump personal name-calling attacks on anyone to tell us how super great Trump is.

We shall see. Watch Mueller on the 17th and judge for yourself.

Thanks for stopping by.

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