Saturday, July 6, 2019

Lies; Damned Lies; Statistics; Trump: He Wins Hands Down No Contest Congrats

My, My How He Has Expanded His Reach in 2 1/2 Years
(Will he brag about that achievement???)

AP FACT CHECK (July 4, 2019, Osan AB, Korea): Trump is often wrong about the military. Trump has falsified his record on military matters on several fronts and repeated many times. 

1.  Trump: Claims that he came up with the “genius idea” of giving veterans private health care so they don’t have to wait for Veterans Affairs appointments.

FACT: He was to find out that others had thought of it but failed to get it done, but his arch-enemy, former President Barack Obama, in fact signed the existing law getting it done in 2014; Trump merely builds on that and claims credit for himself.

2.  Trump: I got the troops got the biggest pay raise in 10 years.

FACT: Military personnel received a pay raise every year for decades despite Trump boasting about the size of the military pay raises under his administration top them all. Several pay raises in the last decade have been larger than under Trump’s: 2.6% this year; 2.4% last year; and, 2.1% in 2017.

HISTORY: Military saw pay raises in 2008, 2009, and 2010 (Geo. W. Bush and Barack Obama) and all were all 3.4% or higher. Pay increases shrank after that because of Congressionally-mandated budget caps. Trump and Congress did break a trend that began in 2011, but only raises that hovered between 1% and 2%.

3.  TRUMP: I got private-sector healthcare for Veterans.

Trump said: I actually came up with the idea. I said, ‘Why don’t we just have the veterans go out and see a private doctor and we’ll pay the cost of the doctor and that will solve the problem?’ Because some veterans were waiting for 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, they couldn’t get any service at all. I saidWe’ll just send them out.’ And I thought it was a genius idea, brilliant idea. And then I came back and met with the board and a lot of the people that handled the VA. They said to me: ‘Actually, sir, we’ve been trying to get that passed for 40 years, and we haven’t been able to get it.” I’m good at getting things done. It’s really cut down big on the waits. We passed VA Choice and VA Accountability to give our veterans the care that they deserve and they have been trying to pass these things for 45 years.”

(Note: Trump was not in office in 2014 when the ACA passed)

FACTS: Trump did not invent the idea of giving veterans the option to see private doctor outside of the VA at government expense. Nor is he the first president in 40 years to pass such a program. Congress approved the private-sector Veterans Choice health program (ACA) in 2014 and Barack Obama signed it into law. 

The official title is: “The Veterans' Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014” (H.R. 3230Pub. L. 113–146), also known as the Veterans Choice Act (or simply the “ACA”), is public law that was intended to address the ongoing VA Clinc Health Scandals

Trump cancelled the ACA and stuck his own which in reality is simply an expansion of the ACA (plus revenge against Mr. Obama).

Under the Trump expansion bill, Veterans still may have to wait weeks to see a doctor. The program allows veterans to see a private doctor if their VA wait is 20 days (28 for specialty care) or their drive is only 30 minutes. Indeed, the VA says it does not expect a major increase in veterans seeking care outside the VA under Trump’s expanded program (cancelled the ACA) because waiting times in the private sector are typically longer than at VA. 

Plus, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie said in March: The care in the private sector, nine times out of ten, is probably not as good as care in VA.”

My 2 cents: As I’ve said a million times, how much longer can we tolerate this man who is the most-degrading, insulting, unqualified, and quite frankly shameful ever to sit in the Oval Office to continue in office?

Not a rhetorical question. 

Thanks for stopping by. 

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