Monday, August 19, 2019

The Liar-in-Chief Strikes Again: Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Gomer Pyle Would Say

Wow - What an Insightful and Profound Statement
(That was in July 1920 and here we are today)

This synopsis from Salon.comDonald J. Trump has lied an average of 13 times a day since becoming president.

That means that between the day of his inauguration (January 20, 2017) and August 5, 2019, he has made 12,019 statements that were either false (flat out lie), or was misleading in one way or another – that according to Washington Post fact checkers.

While that averages out to 13 such statements a day since Trump assumed office, the number has increased recently. Since April 26 alone, when he made his 10,000th false or misleading statement, he has averaged 20 such statements every day, or one every 72 minutes.

His latest string of lies is from his New Hampshire rally speech comes here from CNN fact checking seen below – Note: I picked the juicy ones:

He said he was once named Michigan's “Man of the Year.” That sounds impressive, but there is a significant problem here. Nobody has been able to find any evidence of Trump receiving such an award.

What Trump said: He first publicly uttered the claim on November 6, 2016, two days before the election, when he was making his successful last-ditch effort to win Michigan: “I've been fighting for the car industry for years. I was honored five years ago as 'Man of the Year in Michigan.' That was a great honor for me.” (he said at a rally in Sterling Heights, MI).

He put icing on that cake and described a controversy over his supposed “Man of the Year” acceptance speech saying: During my speech, all I talked about is what Mexico and these other countries are doing to us. And especially what they're doing to Michigan. That's all I talked about. And I was criticized. They said: “Donald, speak about something else.” I said, no. What's happening is horrible.”

Trump has repeated versions of the claim at least six times since, including at a roundtable with corporate leaders in MI in 2017.

Then again at a rally in WI this past April. At this NH rally, he seemed to acknowledge it sounded odd that a non-resident of Michigan would win such an award saying: “In fact, five or six years before I even thought about running, for whatever reason they named me “Man of the Year in Michigan.” I asked: “How come?” I didn't even understand it myself. When I was named “Man of the Year,” I wasn't even political. That was years before I did this. But I was always complaining that our car business is being stolen.”

No evidence at all: The Trump campaign never responded. None of the searches brought up anything.

Huffington Post went on a similar research journey and also found nothing. The website reported that the Michigan Chamber of Commerce said it didn't give out an award like that; Trump was never on the Detroit News's annual “Michiganians of the Year” list. Also, former Gov. Rick Snyder's office was reportedly no help. Trump has never mentioned the alleged honor on his Twitter feed.

Trump has received some “Man of the Year” accolades: Time magazine's “2016 Person of the Year,” and the “Statesman of the Year” award from the Republicans in Sarasota County, FL. None of the awards were for being Michigan's top man.

Additional Trump False Claims and Statements:

The VA Choice Program: During his NH rally, Trump again claimed that he passed VA Choice while no other President before him could saying: “And this from, forever, five decades, we passed, for our great veterans, VA Choice and VA accountability.”

The Facts First: Trump did not get the Veterans Choice program passed, nor had there been an unsuccessful 50-year effort to get it passed. The program was signed into law by Obama in 2014. 

In 2018, Trump did sign the VA MISSION Act, which expanded and changed the Obama-signed Choice Program.

On Iran: Trump again claimed that Obama paid $150 billion to Iran and another $1.8 billion in cash saying: “You saw we ended the Iran Nuclear Deal disaster. How about that? We pay them $150 billion. $1.8 billion in cash. Cash, cash, cash.”

The Facts First: The second figure is roughly correct, but the first is exaggerated.

The 2015 nuclear deal allowed Iran to access tens of billions in its own assets that had been frozen for decades in foreign financial institutions because of sanctions; experts say the total was significantly lower than $150 billion. Note: Trump did not invent the $150 billion figure out of thin air: Obama himself mused in a 2015 interview about Iran having “$150 billion parked outside the country.”

But experts on Iran policy, and Obama's own administration, said that the quantity of assets the agreement actually made available to Iran was much lower. In 2015, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew put the number at $56 billion. 

PolitiFact reported that Garbis Iradian, chief economist at the Institute of International Finance, put it at about $60 billion. And, Adam Szubin, a senior Treasury Department official testified to Congress in 2015 that the “…usable liquid assets would total a little more than $50 billion.” The rest of Iran's foreign assets, he said, were either “tied up in illiquid projects that cannot be monetized quickly, if at all, or are composed of outstanding loans to Iranian entities that cannot repay them.”

As Trump regularly notes, the Obama administration did send Iran $1.7 billion to settle a decades-old dispute over a purchase of US military goods Iran made before its government was overthrown in the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The Obama administration also used the timing of when this cash payment was delivered as leverage against Iran to release several American prisoners.

The Trump Border Wall: Trump claimed that the wall on the southern border is currently under construction saying: It is being built. A wall that's lying on the ground in a very important section ... and we build a brand new 30-foot steel and concrete wall.”

The Facts First: Trump correctly noted that the wall being built is renovation of current barriers. Zero additional miles of border barriers had been erected as of mid-June, contrary to his previous statements that new wall was being built.

About 50 miles have been built over his two-and-a-half years in office, but all of them are replacement barriers rather than additional miles. According to CBP, 47 miles “of new border barriers in place of dilapidated design had been completed as of June 14.”

The Washington Examiner then reported on July 20 that the total was up to 51 miles of such replacement barriers, but that no additional miles had been built.

(Note: CBP did not respond to requests for updated information in the wake of that Washington Examiner story.)

Trump Trade Tariffs: Trump again argued that Americans have not been paying for the tariffs imposed on China, saying: “We're taking in billions of dollars; we're not paying for it.”

The Facts First: American importers make the actual tariff payments, and economic studies have found that Americans, not people and companies in China, have borne most of the cost.

A March paper from economists at Columbia, Princeton, and the NY Fed Reserve found that the “full incidence of Trump's tariffs have fallen on domestic companies and consumers – costing them $3 billion a month by the end of 2018.” The paper also found that the tariffs led to a reduction in domestic income by $1.4 billion a month.

Note: Trump’s White House Economic Report of the President also acknowledged that American consumers do pay for some of the tariffs. Specifically, domestic producers, according to the report, benefit from price increases from the tariffs, but “off-setting these benefits are the costs paid by consumers in the form of higher prices and reduced consumption.”

My 2 cents: How about a great big oops at this point as I conclude with this: How can anyone have an iota of trust in this man as president or anyone serving as our president who lies with such reckless abandon?

Finally, this Trump whopper from The Hill – again he complains about winning the 2016 election but losing the popular vote now to “find out” (he claims) that Google cheated him and he actually won both the EC and popular votes. His comment is simple and stunning and of course via a tweet:

Conspiracy Nuts of a Feather Flock Together

Thanks for stopping by.

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