Monday, September 30, 2019

New Season Fall TV Drama: Rudy Gee vs. Mike Pompeo, et al - Hurricane Wars

Rudy two steps on Pompeo and most of DC to follow
(Sic em Rudy, good dawg)

Pompeo Grapples for Ways to Outlast Hurricane Rudy

One top official is out. Congress is at the doorstep. And the president’s lawyer is practically taunting him on live television. What does the Secretary of State do now?

Specifics: Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is now calling out State Department officials by name on national television for their role in a plot to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate a long-time political rival.

Giuliani’s mission is and remains (I guess) to dig up dirt on rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. That is obviously tied to Trump now facing a very serious impeachment inquiry and he needs to deflect that and everything else away from himself at all costs (except to himself)

Also, the full wrath of congressional investigators is bearing down on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his team. Three committees: House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight have all scheduled five people for depositions in the coming weeks. All five are current or former State Department employees. Pompeo himself was subpoenaed for Ukraine-related documents. 

All of this has left Pompeo wondering if there’s any way to clean up his Rudy mess. According to sources inside the State Department, Pompeo and his advisers have openly expressed anger about Giuliani’s television appearances. One of those key officials, is Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, who suddenly resigned less than 24 hour after his texts were read on Fox News by Giuliani.

Pompeo is reportedly livid about Giuliani sharing these private text messages on-air and for publicly dragging U.S. diplomats deeper and deeper into the scandal with him.

Pompeo at one point even asked an aide if reaching out to Giuliani and asking him to tone it down was an option.

It’s unclear if Pompeo or other senior officials from the department have communicated with Giuliani since the publication earlier this week of a bombshell whistleblower complaint about Team Trump’s Ukraine squeeze on that country’s president.

Pompeo is hardly the first member of Team Trump to be vexed by Giuliani.

Even before this latest saga unfolded, there certainly hasn’t been a shortage in this White House of senior staffers who privately bash Giuliani as a liability for Trump and his administration.

Some senior White House officials have actively avoided criticizing or declined to even try to rein in Giuliani for fear of upsetting the president, with one senior Trump aide described the president’s confidant and personal attorney as both a “wild man and a protected person in Trumpworld” due to his close relationship with the president, whom he more-or-less successfully defended during the two-year, high-stakes Mueller investigation. 

Another State official went as far as to say:Pompeo realizes Giuliani is a dangerous wild card and what he did is not good for our foreign policy. But he has the president’s ear. You’re not going to see Pompeo publicly slam Giuliani because he has a tight relationship with Trump.” 

Story in full and complete details at the link. 

My 2 cents: Trump basically says, “Sic ‘em Rudy – go git ‘em boy. Good boy. Now sit –here’s a nice bone.” 

That’s more than likely how Trump sees Rudy. 

But, a word of caution here, Rudy: Under Trump you may end up taking all heat off him but back on yourself. So, Rudy Gee, double caution: Trump will turn on you as they say “in a NY minute.” 

Thanks for stopping by.

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