Friday, September 27, 2019

Trump v. Congress: Impeachment More Likely With Intense Ukraine-Cover-up Focus

Rudy to the rescue: A day late and dollar short
(Whistleblower not a hero - I am) 

Two-part story for today follows after this my personal political philosophy: First and foremost, anyone in public office or public service owes loyalty to the country and the people and not to any one person or any group of persons, period.

And, if Trump or anyone in his administration does not and did not follow the Constitution, our established laws, rules, and norms then what does that leave us with especially since Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: 
Trump's actions clearly show he betrayed his oath of office, national security, and the integrity of elections.

So, what would be left for us assuming all that is true?

Simple: “Lawlessness” – no other word explains that, in my view.

Now, the first story involves VP Mike Pence here from USA TODAY (via MSN):

WASHINGTON — The Ukraine scandal enveloping President Trump's administration could provide the biggest test yet for one of his most loyal soldiers. Vice President Mike Pence's name has surfaced in the appendix of the explosive whistleblower report released this week. And Trump pointed out on Wednesday (September 25, 2019) that Pence had his own interactions with Ukraine's leaders.

That from CNN here in part: New York (September 24, 2019) – VP Mike Pence was not supposed to be in Poland. Nevertheless, on September 1, there Pence was, leaning over a vase of white flowers to listen as the Ukrainian President vowed to “beat corruption and enact new reforms.”

Pence was filling in President Trump, who days earlier scrapped his trip to Warsaw to meet with the Polish President and with that visit his first planned meeting with the newly-elected  Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. Instead, Trump stayed at home to monitor a hurricane bearing down on the southeastern coast.

Also Note: Bolton was in that Pence-Ukraine meeting. He resigned, was actually forced out of office on September 10, 2019.

Regarding all that, White House officials deny that Trump pressured Ukraine to do anything and note that the whistleblower said he did not witness most of the events described in the nine-page report. 

The second and main story is the whole Ukraine-Trump Blackmail, Bribery Scandal and Cover-up from this very detailed, excellent, and very comprehensive background from Just Security.

Introduction to that very long article: VP Mike Pence was about to finish a routine joint press conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda in Warsaw, when he got two astutely specific questions about his meeting the previous day with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy:

The two questions were from AP reporter Jill Colvin, who asked.

Number one, did you discuss Joe Biden at all during that meeting yesterday with the Ukrainian President?”

Pence answered that question directly: Well, on the first question, the answer is no.”

His response to the second question was more interesting. He essentially demurred. But to decode the significance of Pence’s reply, it’s important to understand the recent history of Ukraine and U.S. policy toward the country. 

From there, we can unpack what’s at the bottom of the Trump-Giuliani efforts.

Now here is how Pence answered AP reporter Jill Colvin’s second question:

Number two, can you assure Ukraine that the hold-up of U.S. security assistance to Ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with efforts, including by Rudy Giuliani, to try to dig up dirt on the Biden family?”

After answering a simple “no” to the first question of whether he and Zelenskyy discussed Biden, Pence continued, almost as a caveat to the denial and with repeated references back to Trump saying:

But we … discussed America’s support for Ukraine and the upcoming decision the president will make on the latest tranche of financial support in great detail. The president asked me to meet with President Zelenskyy and to talk about the progress that he’s making on a broad range of areas. And we did that. The United States has stood strong with Ukraine and we will continue to stand strong with Ukraine for its sovereignty and territorial integrity. But as President Trump had me make clear, we have great concerns about issues of corruption.”

Major Update after all this was ready to post from the BBC:

Ukraine's former Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has categorically rejected claims by Trump concerning Joe Biden.

Remember that Trump alleges without evidence that Biden pressed for the sacking of the former Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, to protect a business that employed his son Hunter Biden.

Klimkin also said prosecutor Shokin was indeed sacked based on his corruption record, and even a number of Western bodies, including the EU, had pushed for him to be sacked.

My 2 cents: Related story … W/H attorneys ordered “lock-down and sealing of” of Trump phone calls. A simple question: Why?

Not much to add to all that except to say impeachment hearings could begin soon and be a real “October surprise” …!!! Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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