Sunday, September 8, 2019

Trump 2020: Scared About GOP Challengers So Get GOP to Cancel More Primaries

Protect Trump: Cancel all GOP State 2020 Primaries
(A better word: Yep, Trump's Fav: Rigged)

Raw Conclusion: Trump and his 2020 camp are running scared. Details follow with this scary headlines:

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as
Trump challengers cry foul

The moves, which critics called un-democratic, are the latest illustration of the Trump’s near total takeover of the GOP apparatus.

Stories from Politico here and CBS News here – the main points:

Four states are poised to cancel their 2020 GOP presidential primaries and caucuses, a move that would cut off oxygen to any Trump long-shot primary challengers. The GOP in SC, NV, AZ, and KS are expected to finalize the cancellations in their states (according to three GOP officials who are familiar with the plans).

The moves are the latest illustration of Trump’s takeover of the entire Republican Party apparatus. They underscore the extent to which his allies are determined to snuff out any potential nuisance en route to his re-nomination — or even to deny Republican critics a platform to embarrass him. 

Trump advisers are quick to point out that parties of an incumbent president seeking reelection have a long history of canceling primaries and note it will save state parties money. But his primary opponents, who have struggled to gain traction, are crying foul, calling it part of a broader effort to rig the contest in Trump’s favor. 

From one challenger former Rep Joe Walsh (R-IL):Trump, allies, and the RNC are doing whatever they can do to eliminate primaries in certain states and make it very difficult for primary challengers to get on the ballot in a number of states. It’s wrong, the RNC should be ashamed of itself, and I think it does show that Trump is afraid of a serious primary challenge because he knows his support is very soft. Primary elections are important, competition within parties is good, and we intend to be on the ballot in every single state no matter what the RNC and Trump allies try to do. We also intend to loudly call out this undemocratic bull on a regular basis.”

My 2 cents: This may be sort of historical, but if true must be legally challenged in courts across the country … it’s flat out wrong and 100% un-democratic and shame on the GOP. 

Stay tuned. BTW: This is a further proof that Trump seeks to be a one-man ruler - what do we call that (oh yeah: Dictator) - examples below.

Thanks for stopping by.

Congo (formerly Zaire)

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