Friday, October 25, 2019

Trump's DOD Insanity: Abandon the Kurds to Disaster Shift to Protect al-Assad's Oil

Most of Syria Today Thanks to al-Assad's Civil War

Abandon Kurds — Wait, Go Back, Protect al-Assad Oil

Astonishing major turn of events.

Dateline Syria: Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s forces have to date killed over 250,000 civilians (his own citizens) in that 8-year long civil war, and millions have fled Syria.

Just announced by DOD that the U.S. will keep troops in Syria NOT to help stop that genocide and return to helping the Kurds (that Trump abandoned earlier), but instead to PROTECT Syrian oil fields for al-Assad to further line his pockets while stays glued to Putin (who wants a foothold in that region) as both partner with Turkey wiping out the Kurds that Trump left to be wiped out.

This stunning story from the Washington Post:

BRUSSELS (NATO HQ) —U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said (today) that the United States would leave forces in Syria to protect oil fields and keep them from falling into the hands of ISIS.

The announcement marked an abrupt and partial reversal of President Trump’s speedy withdrawal from Syria, and it capped a meeting of NATO defense ministers that showcased intense anger among some alliance members toward Turkey for its decision to pour troops into Syria.

The move came a day after Trump said the United States would prevent the Islamic State from regaining control of oil fields in eastern Syria and signaled an increasing U.S. focus on Syrian energy assets.

Update: Broad reaction to this story from many sources seen here at – sample: 

Juan Cole, a professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian history at the University of Michigan, pointed out an op-ed partly titled “New War for Oil?” and that “Trump goes back and forth between dismissing Syria as an unimportant desert and playing up its small oil reserves.” 

Further, Cole argued as most others are that: “the notion of a U.S. invasion and occupation of Deir al-Zor is entirely illegal in international law. The U.S. has no grounds for militarily occupying part of Syria after it withdrew from another part. Washington also has no grounds for denying Syrian oil resources to the Syrian government.”

My 2 cents: What utter and complete stupidity on Trump’s part. 

WTF is Trump thinking and doing other than to apparently please Putin and put NATO in more disarray by siding with Syria and protect their oil?

This is madness. Al-Assad can’t protect his own oil fields but has time and money and forces to sustain genocide?

Now Trump wants to use U.S. money and possibly see more soldiers lost not helping save innocent lives and democracy but to protect Syrian oil and please Putin along the way.

Thanks for stopping by.

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