Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Russia Has Hacked Burisma: The Key Question is Why Now and Who Does It Benefit

Coincidence or Skillful Russian Irony
(Trying to Back Trump's Original Story)

Top story today and very big news (three reports below). This is either piss-poor Russian timing, or very excellent timing for Trump, but that depends on your POV.

Still the #1 question is: Why this Russian hacking of Burisma and why now?

Here is 9-minute video run-down from MSNBC (January 14, 2020):

My 2 cents: Do you believe in coincidence? Some, I guess but not this one. 

Seems Russia is stepping in to “get dirt on Joe Biden” that would be favorable to Trump – depending on the Russian disinformation spin that may top their 2016 election tactics – which as we know were extensive and effective across many media sources.

So, the question about this latest Russian hacking leads to a ton of possibilities. 

Will Trump label this as “fake news, a DEM hoax, or witch hunt?” Time will tell.

Thanks for stopping by.

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