Thursday, January 2, 2020

Trump Impeachment: Must Have Witnesses & Documents for Fair, Open, and Just Trial

These four are at a minimum required to testify
(Stop White House stalling and blocking)

What does “fair” mean? It means to most people except McConnell and those now lockstep with Trump loyalists that this trial like all other trials would or must or should include documents and testimony from witnesses who may or may not have first-hand knowledge of events whatever the trial is trying to prove or not.

In this case those two things have to date been blocked by Trump most during the House’s committee impeachment inquiries.

Both say and most people agree: McConnell, nor any other Republican senator has articulated a single good reason why the trial shouldn’t have witnesses (from either side) or relevant documents.

McConnell is showing no signs of shifting off his position “…that a vote on calling witnesses can be left until after the impeachment case is argued by House managers and Trump’s counsel.”

Vote on calling witnesses? BS – let both sides prepare a list, have then notified and ready to testify – it’s called preparing a case, Mr. McConnell – not BS rules you as one man want to totally control.

Let’s face it – there may be witness from both sides, or not, that can help or harm Trump … that is what fair means and that is what any trial is about – not this sustained political BS McConnell and the GOP is running.

Heart of the issue: New York Times report outlined how Trump’s withholding of aid to Ukraine set off a struggle in the White House, with some top presidential advisers trying to get him to reverse course. Four witnesses requested are: Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton, Michael Duffey, and Robert Blair (seen above).

All four intimately involved and had direct knowledge of President Trump’s decision to cut off aid in order to benefit himself and who countered SOS Mike Pompeo, SecDef Mark Esper, and then former Natl Sec Adviser John Bolton who argued against cutting off the aid for a favor and against national defense interests.

McConnell says Schumer is flip-flopping from his Bill Clinton trial view, but these facts McConnell skips over (probably on purpose, too):

Schumer was asked about his position during Clinton’s 1998 impeachment when he did not support calling witnesses in to testify. Their testimony was on videotape (Clinton lied under oath).

Schumer said at the time: “The witnesses in '99 had already given grand jury testimony. We knew what they were going to say. The four witnesses we called now have not been heard from. That is the difference, and it is a difference that is totally overwhelming. To engage in a trial without the facts coming out is to engage in a cover-up. To conduct a trial without the facts is saying we're afraid.”

My 2 cents: This critical conclusion is logical.

If anyone from Trump on down the line in his camp feels that they have exculpatory (helps him) evidence them provide it, or they want to counter testimony or documents already been provided to the House that are is incorrect, then they should come forth and testify under oath to set the record straight on that. Otherwise, the public will rightly ask and wonder: “Why are they refusing to do so and is there a massive cover-up?”

There is a compelling right for the public to see documents and hear people who may or may not help or hurt Trump. That would be a fair trial and not this we see and hear now from McConnell and others – that would be fair justice that we all say we stand for, right Mr. McConnell?

Advice from a very smart duck:

His name is Daffy but he is not daft, not one bit

At least that is what you all say in all their floor speeches (Country first and foremost), right? Okay: Now prove it.

Thanks for stopping by.

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