Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Potentially New National Security Threat: Again From Inside Not From Outside Forces

These guys need a life – apparently they have none now

Joining up with other Open Carry morons

Spreading like a virus and just as deadly

From NBC News – pretty startling story to say the least – the headline:

What is the Boogaloo? How online calls for a violent uprising are hitting the mainstream

A new anti-government movement that advocates for a violent uprising targeting liberal political opponents and law enforcement has moved from the fringes of the internet into the mainstream in recent months and surged on social media, according to a group of researchers that tracks hate groups.

The movement, which says it wants a second Civil War organized around the term “Boogaloo,” now includes groups on mainstream internet platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit as well as fringe websites including 4chan.

This group’s warrior patch – childish symbol 

Source: A report released by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), an independent non-profit of scientists and engineers that tracks and reports on misinformation and hate speech across social media.

While calls for organized and targeted violence in the form of a new Civil War have previously circulated among some hate groups, the emergence of the term “Boogaloo” appeared to be a new and discrete movement.

NCRI researchers analyzed more than 100 million social media posts and comments and found that through the use of memes — inside jokes commonly in the form of images — extremists have pushed anti-government and anti-law enforcement messages across social media platforms. 

They have also organized online communities with tens of thousands of members, some of whom have assembled at real-world events.

This from John Farmer, former NJ AG and now the Director of the Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University: The report represents a breakthrough case study in the capacity to identify cyber swarms and viral insurgencies in nearly real time as they are developing in plain sight.”

My 2 cents: Story continues at the NBC News link. 

I have said for some time that these loser, probably most out-of-work gun nuts have been slowly advocating a second Civil War on their terms – they are by any definition a “clear and present danger” and now joined with others and a new approach and arm band (seen above). 

This is a very serious and damn scary event. I am not crying wolf, but I understand he just turned the corner on Main Street, USA.

BTW: I wonder how Trump will embrace this group to say: “There good people on both sides” ala his previous Charlottesville, VA alt-right mess - remember that? 

Reflect back on that: Many argue that Trump’s “very fine people on both sides” comments were meant to refer to the protesters in attendance who were attempting to stop the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from a public square in Charlottesville, not the neo-Nazis and white nationalists who made up the bulk of the event’s attendees.

As RealClearPolitics’ Steve Cortes argued:Despite the clear evidence of Trump’s statements regarding Charlottesville, major media figures insist on spreading the calumny that Trump called neo-Nazis fine people.

But here’s the thing: Trump did.

Unite the Right was explicitly organized and branded as a far-right, racist, and white supremacist event by far-right racist white supremacists. 

This was clear for months before the march actually occurred. So by casting the rally instead as a sort of spontaneous outpouring from Confederate statue enthusiasts, Trump is rewriting history.

More later on all this, I am sure. 

Thanks for stopping.

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