Saturday, February 15, 2020

(Trump ≅ Nixon): Abused Power; Enemies List; Conspiracy Nuts; Both Paranoid

Face of arrogant, defiant, mean, nasty, revengeful men
(Cut from same cloth, Peas in same pod)

There are two key ways a president can abuse the Justice Department and federal prosecutorial powers: (1) he can protect his friends, and (2) he can go after his enemies.
Reflect back on this from NEWSDAY (based on a LA TIMES piece) - Nixon-Trump comparison:
Trump announced Wednesday (August 16, 2018) that in addition to stripping former CIA director John Brennan of his security clearance, he’s reviewing the clearances of nine other former top government officials who have – in some cases harshly – criticized the president. 

Yes, the president has an enemies list. How Nixonian of him.

Until Trump came along, Nixon was probably the nation’s most paranoid president, and a man who, like Trump, had few qualms about abusing the power of his office.

In recent days and months, especially with developments around the Michael Flynn and Roger Stone cases, observers have been deeply concerned that Trump is engaging in the first kind of abuse. According to a Washington Post report, what Trump really cares about — and what he is really furious hasn’t happened yet — is the prosecution of his enemies.

The Post explains:
Behind that public fight, according to people familiar with the discussions, is a deeper tension between Trump and Barr’s DOJ over the lack of criminal charges against former FBI director James Comey and those close to him. The flare-up over the Stone case comes against a backdrop of growing behind-the-scenes anger from the president toward the Justice Department — more about whom the department has not charged with crimes than about whom it has charged, according to people familiar with the discussions.
Justice Department IG Michael Horowitz referred Comey’s handling of the memos to prosecutors for possible criminal prosecution, but lawyers quickly determined it was not a close call and did not seek to build a case. That sent Trump into a rage, according to people briefed on his comments. He complained so loudly and swore so frequently in the Oval Office that some of his aides discussed it for days, these people said.
Trump repeatedly said that Comey deserved to be charged, and in his rage said: Can you [expletive] believe they didn’t charge him?”

It’s not just Comey. The report noted that Trump has also been eager to see charges against Comey’s former FBI deputy, Andrew McCabe.

Trump also reportedly became enraged when the Washington Post reported in January that U.S. Attorney John Huber’s investigation into vague allegations about Hillary Clinton came up dry. 

(NOTE:  Trump had asked former AG Jeff Sessions, whom Trump later forced out, to look into Clinton; that according to former Mueller’s report).

The Post continued:

Separately, Barr has tapped U.S. Attorney John Durham in Connecticut to investigate whether any crimes were committed by FBI and CIA officials in the pursuit of allegations in 2016 that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump’s campaign. 

After learning that the Huber investigation is not likely to produce charges, Trump has become more insistent that Durham finish his work soon, according to people familiar with the discussions. Trump, these people said, wants to be able to use whatever Durham finds as a cudgel in his reelection campaign.

I Note: All this has fed into the public fight now over the Stone and soon Flynn case. and maybe later, the Manafort cases (my hunch).

What’s not clear from the report is how much Trump has directly expressed this anger and desire for prosecutions to Barr himself.

Barr claimed as seen in this interview with ABC News that Trump hasn’t asked him to do anything in a criminal case. It’s not clear if that’s true — but even if Trump hasn’t made his demands explicit to Barr, there’s no doubt Barr knows what Trump expects from him to do.

My 2 cents: Back to my lead Nixon example at the top of the page shows how abundantly clear that Trump is on the warpath and clearly abusing the power of his office that even a novice can see, albeit not to most Republicans in Congress, who stick to Trump like “Gorilla Glue.”

We are in for very troubling times until Election Day 2020, and God forbid not after than with more Trump. 

We 100% need change, and if that word ever meant anything in politics, it does now.

Thanks for stopping by.

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