Thursday, February 13, 2020

Trump Empire Resorts Alone: Raking in Big Bucks From Secret Service Protection

Mar-A-Logo Trips and Other Trump Resort Outings
(Same for each location: Ka-ching)

Pretty big story: The House Oversight Committee just asked the Secret Service to provide a full accounting of its payments to Trump’s private company after The Washington Post revealed that the Secret Service had been charged as much as $650 per night for rooms at Trump clubs.

Short video up first [click here].

Then this just added — an excellent analysis of this whole Trump corruption scheme, that is robbing taxpayers blind as it were and the worse part: He is not being held accountable thanks mostly due to GOP protecting him. Why is that? Simple: They are scared to death of his wrath in this election cycle.

In a letter to the Secret Service, signed by Chair Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) member Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), the committee asked for records of payments to Trump properties, and copies of contracts between the Secret Service and Trump clubs.

Last week, The Post reported that the Secret Service had been charged nearly $400 and as much as $650 per night for rooms at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida, and charged $17,000 a month for a cottage that agents used at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey. Trump, BTW still owns his companies. 

These payments show he has an unprecedented — and largely hidden — business relationship with his own government.

Note this incredible laughable part that officials at Trump’s company maintain that Trump and the firm do not profit when government officials stay at their properties, including this statement from Eric Trump, who runs the company’s day-to-day who said in an interview last year:They stay at our properties for free — meaning, like, cost for housekeeping, like 50 bucks per room.”

The organization also issued a statement to The Post saying: We charge the U.S. Government simple cost and make zero profit.”

But, they did not explain how it calculates those costs.  The House letter revealed by The Post said:

This raises serious concerns about the use of taxpayer dollars and raise questions about government spending at other Trump properties.”

The Secret Service did not respond to questions about the House letter.

My 2 cents: So, Trump Empire, Inc. not in this for their own financial gain, right?

Alrighty then (laugh along time).

Fear not though, a lot more will be forthcoming I am sure. 

Trump now feels free as a bird and totally emboldened to do whatever he pleases believing no one or nothing can stop or hamper him.

Stay tuned, and thanks for stopping by.

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