Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Trump Turns on the GOP: Bashes Everyone Around Him to Take Blame Off Himself

Flames All Around Him Due to His Childish Bully Rages
(History, Tradition, Laws Be Damned: Only His Way)

Trump is again abusing his office by reaching across all lines of government to help him construct a viable 2020 campaign issue playbook.

This story vis-à-vis China is in his sights (on again, off again, now on again). His weapon of choice (also again): U.S. Intelligence Agencies – and he demands all hands on deck.

The White House has ordered intelligence agencies to comb through communications intercepts, human source reporting, satellite imagery and other data to establish whether China and the World Health Organization initially hid what they knew about the emerging coronavirus pandemic, current and former U.S. officials

A specific “tasking” seeking information about the outbreak's early days was sent last week to the NSA, DIA which includes the National Center for Medical Intelligence. Also, the CIA has received similar instructions, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter.

Trump appeared to refer to the request at his recent news conference saying:We're doing very serious investigations. We are not happy with that whole situation, because we believe it could have been stopped at the source, it could have been stopped quickly, and it wouldn't have spread all over the world.”

I note: So, what is Trump’s #1 purpose? He shifted from initially praising China's handling of the outbreak to sharply criticizing it as the threat the pandemic poses to the U.S. economy and his re-election prospects. Blaming China for America's economic struggles has proven effective for Trump with his political base.

His allies believe it's a message that could resonate in November with voters in the Midwest, and one aide close to him said: “The president is now running against China as much as anyone.”

I add as the famous sarcastic quip notes: No sh*t Sherlock.”

Further, as part of the tasking, intelligence agencies were asked to determine what the WHO knew about two research labs studying coronaviruses in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus was first observed. 

NBC News has previously reported that the spy agencies have been investigating the possibility that the virus escaped accidentally from one of the labs, although many experts believe that is unlikely.

The move coincides with a public effort by the White House, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Trump's political allies to focus attention on China's inability to contain the virus shortly after it emerged.

As NBC News previously reported, U.S. intelligence officials have said China initially failed to disclose the seriousness of the outbreak, robbing the rest of the world of information that might have led to earlier containment efforts.

W/H spokesman Hogan Gridley said:As the president has said, the United States is thoroughly investigating this matter. Understanding the origins of the virus is important to help the world respond to this pandemic but also to inform rapid-response efforts to future infectious disease outbreaks.”

The CIA declined to comment and an official from the DNI’s office said:We are not aware of any such tasking from the White House.”

My 2 cents: How low or how much government resources will Trump use to gain the advantage in the 2020 election cycle to stay in office and hold the Senate and try to retake the House? Pretty low I’d say and this abuse of power illustrates that 100%.

This must not be allowed to stand – it is a blatant abuse of office w/o any doubt for Trump’s own personal political gain.

Shame on those in office for allowing it – the entire GOP – who collectively is afraid of losing power – plain and simple.

All the while their blame game heats up with their #1 target as always: DEMS or the “Fake Media” to make Trump happy and take away his blame.

Thanks for stopping by.

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