Wednesday, May 27, 2020

McEnany: Worse W/H Press Secretary in American Political History Hands Down

Scared out of his wits over a major bogus non-issue

Trump fan and staunch anti-mail-in voting advocate
(Press Secretary McEnany)

Her Message to America: Do as I say, not as I have done for the last decade. 

Trump's press secretary says there are real concerns with mail-in voting. She's voted by mail 11 times.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in the past 10 years, sending in a ballot for every Florida election she's participated in since 2010 (Tampa Bay Times report). 

She reportedly last voted by mail in Florida's primary just two months ago, shortly before she told reporters there is supposed “bipartisan consensus on the fact that mass mail-in voting can lead to fraud.”

Her voting history is similar to that of Trump’s, who has routinely voted by mail while making a stink over others who do the same.

She further said:The president is, after all, the president, which means he's here in Washington. He's unable to cast his vote down in Florida, his state of residence.”

McEnany's defense of Trump came after he incorrectly asserted that 
Michigan illegally distributed millions of absentee ballot applications to its residents and he threatened to withhold funding to the state, which had just suffered a severe dam break.

She also told reporters at the time that TrumpSupports mail-in voting for a reason, when you have a reason that you are unable to be present, although an ongoing pandemic didn't seem to pass the test.”

This week, McEnany wrote a series of tweets blasting: The “real concerns with mail-in voting: (1) bribery, (2) lost ballots, and (3) ballot harvesting).

My 2 cents: It is unclear whether McEnany knew about these concerns before she cast 11 mail-in ballots in the past – but that seems wish-washy now. She is a true Trump sycophant and lackey. 

Plus, she happens to be a very horrible person just like Trump.

Thanks for stopping by.

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