Saturday, May 23, 2020

Trump 2020 Foreign Help (Again): Act II Russian Bots Back in Full Force Like 2016

Internet Bot Russian Translation: Интернет-боты

“Ho Lee Shït” – here we go again (and not totally unexpected) – this breaking story from The Daily Kos – Russian Internet Bots back in play for 2020:

Russia’s 2016 campaign in support of Trump included many different means of inserting false information into the national conversation such as:

1. They featured Ads on radio stations in key cities intended to suppress Black support for Hillary Clinton.

2. Also, plenty of local faux news sites filled with fabricated stories supporting Trump.

3. And, “Fake Black Lives Matters sites on Facebook” designed to increase the fear of rural white voters.

There were also targeted Ads that leveraged online tools to plant false stories directly into critical election districts, and in some cases direct intrusion into voter databases. The exact number is still uncertain, but it probably impacted most states all across the country. 

One key component of the 2016 campaign remains clear: A vast army of “Bot accounts were managed by a team of Russian military hackers.”

Those efforts filled Twitter, Facebook, and many other social media network web sites. In the process, they became some of the most influential accounts across all social media. Now it appears to be happening all over again.

A new study shows that when it comes to forcing workers to go back into offices, stores, and factories, almost half the online voices shouting for the “reopening of America” were, and are, from Bot accounts.

Of the accounts that have tweeted most on this topic, more than half were Bot-driven. Of the most influential, almost all are Bots. And who is behind those Bots remains unknown.

So, what are Bots and what is their purpose? They are agents that communicate more or less autonomously on social media, often with the task of influencing the course of discussion and/or the opinions of its readers for a designed political side (based on whoever has the most money to fund their placement all across cyberspace).

My 2 cents: Now watch the Trump spin machine spin this to their advantage and that too is expected.

The Trump circle does not have an ounce of decency, only one goal: Win at any cost – regardless of the price or who gets wiped along the way.

Thanks for stopping by.

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