Friday, May 22, 2020

Trump's Problem Solving: Ignore, Bash, Trash to Make Them Fit His Personal Model

His World View: One Man World Expert
(Which happens to be only him)

Señor Trump's Philosophy

Trump brags on being an expert deal maker – ha… one example his deals on and off again with China and his tariff trade war. 

Highlights: Trump keeps blaming Obama for lousy auto and other bailout deals (left over by Dubya Bush when Obama entered office after the 2008 near total economic meltdown), yet Trump gets a pass on his harsh trade/tariff policy impacting many Americans including farmers who export a lot of food.

...Then he had to get a $12 billion bailout payment plan to offset the pain of his tariff policy to bailout famers harmed by his trade tariffs on China. 

General Background: Tariffs are a tax imposed by a government on goods and services imported and falls on consumers (as a tax).

Tariffs increase the price of the goods imported and thus make them less desirable to buy, and less competitive vis-à-vis domestic produced goods and products.

On top of that is this laundry list of treaties, partnership, and agreements tossed out or being tossed out by Trump as he claims some twisted idea of “AMERICA FIRST” – yes, we should always work to keep America first, but NOT America alone. 

Just imagine had we been alone in WW II how would that have worked out if under Trump?

His latest: Trump wants withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty (OST) in effect since 1992 (27 nations) and now in full effect since 2002 (with 34 nations). America’s European allies are keen to keep the treaty going. 

They have benefited from the more than 1,500 overflights carried out under the OST allowing them to observe Russian military movements, and see it as a remaining element of international cohesion and transparency. It is unclear how Russia will respond to any U.S. withdrawal. They will now be able to fly over U.S. bases in Europe, but the U.S. will no longer be allowed to overfly Russia.

I note: This again 100% favors Putin so, thanks Donald.

The administration is supposed to explain to Congress how leaving OST serves U.S. security interests and give assurances that Washington has consulted its partners 120 days before serving formal notice of withdrawal.


The OST is the third arms control agreement Trump has left:
1.  He took us out of the Iran nuclear deal in 2018.

2.  Then we withdrew from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty in 2019.


3. The Paris Climate Accord in 2017: Trump sided with GOP conservatives who argued the 2015 agreement was bad for the US economy. Critics said he was weakening global efforts to stop climate change.

4.  The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Shortly after he took office in 2017, Trump pulled out of this trade agreement that included 12 Pacific Rim countries. Trump said he was doing it for American workers. Critics said he was creating an opening for economic heavyweight China to expand its influence in the region.

5. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): Trump pull out. He has negotiated a new agreement with the two countries, the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) it’s called.

6.  United Nations’ Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Trump administration announced in October 2017 it would withdraw.

7. UN Relief and Works Agency (UNHRC): Trump withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2018.

8. UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA): Trump's administration 
announced in August 2018 it was ending its decades of funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency, which helps Palestinian refugees.

In Doubt or Pending:

(9) NATO: Several times over the course of 2018, Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from NATO senior administration officials told the New York Times. Plus his moves against the EU.

Critics say withdrawing would embolden Russia and endanger peace in Europe. Days after the Times report in mid-January, the House passed bi-partisan legislation expressing support for NATO. The Senate also has a bipartisan bill pending that is aimed at preventing the president from withdrawing from NATO without Senate approval.

(10) The NEW START TREATYIt is the last treaty limiting U.S. and Russian Strategic Nuclear Weapons, It is due to expire in February 2021.

(11) The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which the U.S. has signed (observing a voluntary moratorium on nuclear tests) but not ratified by the all GOP-run senate yet.

My 2 cents: What in the world is Trump’s goal, aim, or ambition?

He professes to be the best “Deal Maker” ever, but in reality he is the world’s #1 “Deal Breaker?” Even his book “Art of the Deal” should be renamed to “Art of the Con?”

He apparently has a burning desire is to be the only world leader and at any cost since that this only way he knows how to deal in the business world. Plus, he has the record and statements to prove this point.

What an arrogant pitiful man yet sick at conning people to support and prop him up. That is his only true skill; His only talent disgusting to even say that.

Thanks for stopping by

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