Friday, June 12, 2020

Bolton's Book: Trump Had Ukraine Transgressions Beyond Impeachment Charges

Looking for Book Money — Not Trump Accountability

Interested in the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Yeah, just don’t ask John Bolton since big, big money in it for him (or so he thinks), otherwise, his book won’t sell, so look someplace else for the truth, or so he implies. 

My supposition on that comes from this truly an astonishing story from the Guardian.

What follows are the highlights with this headline:

Bolton book claims Trump committed other
“Ukraine-like transgressions”

The ex-national security adviser also describes attempts to “raise alarms about them,” according to press release about his memoir

Introduction from the article:

Bolton will argue in his book, “The Room Where It Happened,” that the Democrat-led House of Representatives committed “impeachment malpractice by impeaching Trump over his Ukraine dealings when, it is suggested in the book, the president had committed other Ukraine-like transgressions.” (More on that is below)

The press release for the book teases that Bolton will describe the transgressions.

New York publishers Simon & Schuster boasted: “This is the book Donald Trump doesn’t want you to read.”

The White House fought to block the book, claiming back in January that it contained classified information. The book is now due out June 23, 2020. 

Bolton was ousted last September after months of disagreement over America’s foreign policy approach, especially Trump’s freewheeling ways, amid revelations of searing internal divisions within Trump’s inner circle. 

Trump said he had “disagreed strongly” with Bolton, who claimed he was in the process of resigning when Trump moved to fire him.

According to the press release on June 12, the new book:Argues that the House Democrats committed impeachment malpractice by keeping their prosecution focused narrowly on Ukraine when Trump’s Ukraine-like transgressions existed across the full range of his foreign policy – and Bolton documents exactly what those were, and attempts by him and others in the administration to raise alarms about them.”

Bolton criticizes Trump for focusing on his chances of re-election as he made major policy decisions, writing:I am hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by re-election calculations.”

My 2 cents, and this key point from this article: Critics will probably pounce on Bolton (and rightly so) for not publicly raising concerns about these “transgressions” while they were occurring – and later refusing to testify to the House about them during the impeachment inquiry.

That is 100% correct and at the time Bolton refused to testify many people predicted he was simply hyping his book for big sales. Thus, in my view and that of many other, Bolton has shown how greedy he is for putting book sales above the truth about serious Trump misdeeds. 

Had Bolton told the truth then and Trump had been removed (and rightly so if Bolton were telling the truth), then he would be a national hero and the book would have sold like hot cakes.

Now I hope it does not sell well. Bolton deserves that kind of shame for putting money and profit over the historical truth of this corrupt and totally dishonest president who duped the country for a very long time.

Bolton now says he knew that all along, but it is clear he waited to see the book selling before telling the public and Congress the truth. So, shame on him for that.

If find a copy of his book, I will shred and burn it without a second thought.  

Thanks for stopping by.

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