Saturday, June 13, 2020

Fox Reports Truth About Trump: Trump Will Very Soon Tweet Fox News to Death

Wow - Old Chinese Expression: Ho Lee Sheet

Wow – what a surprising article from Fox News … the highlights and short introduction follow:

Millions of Americans are fed up with divider-in-chief Donald Trump and the awful job he’s done dealing with the coronavirus pandemic that has killed over 113,000 Americans and protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police – among his many failures.

As a result, President Trump’s poll ratings are sinking and the prospects are increasing that former Vice President Joe Biden will send Trump into political retirement in the November election. Trump has appealed only to his base and sought to fan the flames of division and conflict between Americans. 

This is one more sign of the incompetent leadership of our reality TV president and it is also an unwise political move.

Hillary Clinton received about 3 million more votes than Trump in the 2016 presidential election, but lost in the Electoral College. Trump is taking a huge gamble if he thinks he can be reelected while trailing by millions of popular votes again, because Biden and his team have no doubt learned from Clinton’s mistakes and are focused on doing better in the Electoral College.

Trump has in effect changed the name of our country from the United States to the Divided States of America. He has increased our divisions along lines of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and political views.

Huge contrasts between Biden and Trump – from this article – a fine summary: Biden talks about knowing how those who have lost loved ones are feeling, having lost his first wife, daughter, and one son. He is a real, relatable, kind, and a loving man who clearly cares about the pain and problems suffered by others.

That’s a stark contrast to Trump, who tweets and tweets and tweets with complaints about being unfairly attacked, viciously attacks, and insults his critics, and labels any news report that doesn’t shower him with praise as “fake news.”

I would add to that popular Trump phrase that he frequently also uses this phrase: They are the enemy of the people.” 

That phrase has a very long history, but in more modern times it gained its widest use by Joseph Stalin during the early years of the old Soviet Union. 

In the nation's early years, Vladimir Lenin along with Stalin used the term: vrag naroda (Russian for enemy of the nation or the people) to refer to those who disagreed with the ideologies pushed forth by the Bolshevik government and, later, adopted by the newly-formed Soviet Union. 

That phrase could include anyone from the clergy who did not want to adopt state-enforced atheism to writers to political opposition that questioned the ideologies of the new government. 

Later picked up by Stalin, such a designation could mean immediate imprisonment or removal to a labor camp.

The writer of this article thinks Americans are tired of the tweeter-in-chief’s constant whining. They want a president focused on our nation, not a narcissist focused on airing his personal grievances.

My 2 cents: I totally agree with the article’s main points and conclusion – and it is a keeper for sure – as a reminder of the upcoming presidential election and what it really means — as the stakes are higher than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and probably in yours, too. 

Time will tell of course, but be sure that Trump will pull out all the stops and dirtiest tricks in his bailiwick. Stay tuned and also be sure that it will be nasty and ugly. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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