Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Trump Case Study: Demands Total Legal Control - Who or When Will He Be Reined In

The Exclusive Club Trump Seeks to Join Possible
(Add China & Xi, Jinping to the list re: Bolton's book)

Excellent story here from Politico with this headline:

“Prosecutors say they were pressured to cut Roger Stone a break because of his ties to Trump”

My introduction to this article. After reading it ask yourself: “What’s the bottom line here.”

Pretty Simple to Me: Most people around Trump know his M.O. (e.g., he demands 100% loyalty, needs daily praise and staff fluffing, and he can’t stand any level of criticism from anyone or anywhere.

In short, those around him are scared of his reactions against them if they violate any of Trump’s demands or needs or wants.

The Impact is Pretty Simple, too: Trump is not, very, very seldom ever held to account for his actions, nasty deeds, treatment of people, or his blatant interference in legal matter before any court like those for his BFF’s: Roger Stone and Michael Flynn just to name two recent high-profile cases.

This Politico story reinforces my views of Trump – here it is in part is the story in the prosecutors own words:

A prosecutor who withdrew from the Roger Stone case after Justice Department leaders intervened to recommend a lighter sentence intends to testify before Congress that he and his colleagues were repeatedly pressured to cut Stone “a break, and were told that it was because of his relationship with President Donald Trump.”

Aaron Zelinsky, one of the four prosecutors who quit the case, plans to tell the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday (June 24) according to his prepared testimony: “What I heard – repeatedly – was that Roger Stone was being treated differently from any other defendant because of his relationship to the President, I was also told that the acting U.S. Attorney was giving Stone such unprecedentedly favorable treatment because he was afraid of the President.”

Zelinsky will appear alongside antitrust prosecutor John Elias, who plans to testify that AG Barr personally ordered that Elias office to launch politically motivated reviews of 10 cannabis mergers.

Zelinsky's testimony is a stunning — and stunningly rare — public rebuke of DOJ’s leadership by a sitting official. It comes as Barr is facing intensifying scrutiny over actions that DOJ veterans and Democrats have described as dangerous breaches of the department's independence from politics, and they did not respond to an immediate request for comment.
Barr most recently set off alarms when he sought a late to remove the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan (SDNY), Attorney Geoff Berman, after falsely claiming that Berman had agreed to step down voluntarily. 

On Monday (June 22) Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) began a process to subpoena Barr for a July 2 hearing, while House leaders also fended off some calls from progressive Democrats to consider impeaching him.

Zelinsky alleges that after Stone was convicted last year of repeatedly lying to Congress and intimidating a witness, DOJ leaders leaned on him and three other Stone prosecutors to deviate from typical sentencing practices. 

The prosecutors had been prepared in early February to file a steep sentencing recommendation that they said reflected Stone's long-term lying to impede an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, a grave national security matter. But DOJ leaders said they should break from department policy and issue a lighter recommendation, Zelinsky says.

Zelinsky said:We were told by a supervisor that the U.S. Attorney had political reasons for his instructions, which our supervisor agreed was unethical and wrong. However, we were instructed that we should go along with the U.S. Attorney’s instructions, because this case was “not the hill worth dying on and that we could lose our jobs” if we did not toe the line.”

Full story at the Politico link with a lot more information. Check it out.

My 2 cents: A stunning story to day the least and this dedicated servants who seek justice for now being railroaded by AG Barr, who as we all know is acting like Trump’s personal attorney and not for the public as a whole; which BTW: Is his sworn duty, too.

It’s time to make an effort to remove Barr from office - ASAP would be better than later. He has to be hands down the worst AG ever – hard to dispute that reality isn’t it?

Thanks for stopping by.

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