Sunday, June 21, 2020

Trump: Rally 'round the Flag in Tulsa for My Return Huge Crowd Coming — Oops

BOK Arena TV Wide Angle Shot
(Seats 19,000; only 6,200 showed)

Where is my campaign event staff hiding
(You're fired)

Major Update — The Original Story Follows:
Trump: I don't kid or joke (remarks June 23)
(No sh*t Sherlock - we already knew that)

Mayor Update on Trump’s Tulsa Rally Statement: Stopping or Slowing or Doing Less Virus Testing” – remarks below from Dr. Fauci during his House testimony on the pandemic with this headline (sure to send Trump into another rage):
Breaking with Trump, Fauci says U.S. going to do 
more testing, not less

WASHINGTON (NBC News) — Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday that the federal government is trying to expand testing, not slow it down it as President Donald Trump has suggested in recent days.

In testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Fauci was asked about the president's recent comments and whether he agrees that it makes sense to limit the number of COVID-19 tests, saying in part: None of us have ever been told to slow down on testing — that just is a fact. It's the opposite. We're going to be doing more testing, not less.”

Fauci is the nation’s top infectious diseases expect, who played a key role in the Trump administration's response to the pandemic. Fauci's comments come in stark contrast to those by Trump in Tulsa (June 20) when he told the crowd of his supporters at his first campaign rally in months that he wanted to slow down testing for the coronavirus.

Trump precisely said:Testing is a double-edged sword, (while later adding that the U.S. has conducted 25 million tests), concluding: “When you do testing to that extent, you're going to find more people, you're going to find more cases, so I said to my people, 'Slow the testing down, please.'"

My Notes: Press Secretary McEnany for one later said: “The president was just kidding about reduced testing.” Memo for McEnany – get up to date airhead: Your boss here from Politico (June 23) told the press precisely: “I don’t kid. Let me just tell you. Let me make it clear.”

That statement from Trump of course shatters the defenses of senior White House aides who argued Trump’s remarks were made in jest and rips McEnany’s BS public statement to shreds.

Fauci also added that the coronavirus threat right now is a “mixed bag” because the U.S. has been hit badly with more than 120,000 deaths and 2.5 million infections.

Naturally, I conclude: Trump does not and will not agree with that since he seldom mentions the deaths except in very passing moments – reserving most of time to brag about himself.


From the Washington Post (in part below):

Tulsa Rally Crowd a Flop – Trump Anger Shows

Impact: The Trump campaign has now sought to blame protesters for the lower-than-expected turnout at the president’s rally in Tulsa.

Note: Reporters on site also saw little evidence of attendees being blocked from going to the event.

Trump’s reelection campaign repeatedly touted figures suggesting that as many as 1 million people had signed up to attend. But the crowd did not fill the 19,000-seat BOK Center, with swaths of upper-level seating empty (TV photo above).

The spin game:

Mercedes Schlapp, Trump campaign adviser on Fox said the turnout was lower than expected because Trump supporters were afraid of protests outside the venue turning violent saying: People were concerned about the demonstrations and so we saw that have an impact on the number of attendees.”

Schlapp was pressed by FOX host Chris Wallace on the fact that the Trump campaign itself had raised expectations about high attendance numbers, Schlapp replied:There were people and families who didn’t bring their children because of concerns about the protesters.”

Fact: Outside the rally venue, one group of protesters blocked one of three entrances for about 15 minutes — but by that point, most people had already entered the arena’s outer perimeter.

By the time Trump took stage, there had been tense verbal confrontations outside but no reports of violence. There were civilians carrying military-style rifles and pistols who wandered amid the crowds claiming they wanted to keep people safe. All the while Tulsa police and National Guard troops restrained and separated opposing sides with nothing major happening.

Trump’s reaction before and after the rally: NBC reports that Trump was “furious at the underwhelming crowd at the rally – a major a major disappointmentThe rally had been hyped as a raucous return to the campaign trail after a three-month hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic (according to multiple people close to the White House).

Trump was fuming at his top political aides on Saturday even before the rally began, after his campaign revealed that six members of the advance team on the ground in Tulsa had tested positive for COVID-19, including Secret Service personnel.

Trump then asked those around him why that information was exposed and expressed annoyance that the coverage ahead of his mega-rally was dominated by that revelation.

The Bottom Line: The Trump re-election effort boasted it would fill the BOK Center that seats more than 19,000 people, but only 6,200 filled the general admission sections of the enclosed arena (the Tulsa fire marshal told NBC News).

My 2 cents: Good coverage and of course the blame game is Trump’s #1 fallback position right on schedule: e.g., always blame a person, the event, facts, protestors, fake media, hoax this or that, more or less testing hurting numbers, never inform the public, just take my word for it is his tune).

By far, the worst president in American history – brag about that Mr. Trump.

Thanks for stopping by.

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